Pick Me! Four American Cities Put Best Olympic Foot Forward
The United States Olympic Committee seems ready to bid for the 2024 Summer Games. But the hard part is deciding which of the four finalists — Boston, Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco — has the best chance of being chosen by the International Olympic Committee. The U.S.O.C. could make its selection as soon as this week, so we asked New York Times reporters in each city to describe the view from each place.
1. Boston
A couple of years ago, The Onion ran a satirical piece about Bostonians pretending to live in a big city. It said residents “buzz about their daily routines in a delightful hubbub of excitement as if they lived in a major American metropolis.”
一两年前,《洋葱新闻》(The Onion)登过一篇文章,讽刺波士顿人假装自己是生活在一座大城市里。文章写道,这里的居民“以一种可爱的兴奋热闹劲儿过着他们的日常生活,仿佛真以为自己住在一个美国大都会呢”。
Some people laughed, some were defensive. But few disputed that Boston is wrapped up in an existential debate with itself about whether it is a “world-class” city.
Despite its many obvious assets — world-renowned universities, top-flight medical centers, a thriving biotech-driven innovation economy and championship sports teams, not to mention Tom Brady and David Ortiz — Boston still has an inferiority complex. And as it makes its first serious bid to host the Olympics, it shows.
虽然这里有着众多为大家所认同的优势——世界闻名的大学、一流的医疗机构、以生物科技为创新驱动力的繁荣经济、冠军运动队,更别提汤姆·布拉迪(Tom Brady,著名的橄榄球运动员——译注)和戴维·奥尔蒂斯(David Ortiz,著名的棒球运动员——译注)这些如雷贯耳的名字,但波士顿始终有着一种自卑情结。随着该城首次正儿八经地竞标奥运会主办权,这种情结也是一览无遗。
Some seem to think that being picked to put on the 2024 Summer Games is entwined with mythic world-class status.
“Boston is a global leader in innovation, and in order to remain a global leader, we must be aspirational,” the pro-Olympic Boston2024 website says.
To Boston’s mayor, Martin J. Walsh, an initial skeptic of the bid, hosting the Olympics “puts us on a scale not too many cities can claim.”
Mike Ross, a former Boston city councilman, argued that the Olympics are a good idea “and not just for the reasons one might think, such as helping us get over our persistent ‘smaller than New York’ Napoleon complex.”
波士顿前市议会议员迈克·罗斯(Mike Ross)认为,举办奥运是一件好事,“不仅仅是大家能想到的那些原因,比如帮我们克服一直以来的‘比纽约要小’的拿破仑情结。”
Whether winning an Olympics confers world-class status, Boston’s bid contains an inherent paradox: Its dream to make it big is not that big.
Boston’s modest $4.5 billion proposal envisions a new Olympic model: a walkable, bikeable, sustainable Games that uses mostly pre-existing structures. This compact city of 646,000 plans a downsized, compressed, antisprawl Olympics. No venue would be more than a 10-minute walk from a subway stop or a commuter rail line.
波士顿的承办方案只有区区45亿美元,它想像出一个全新的奥运模式:一个主要利用现有建筑、可以用步行或骑自行车作为交通方式、具有可持续发展性的运动会。这座有着64.6万人口的小巧城市计划的是一个规模缩小的、紧凑的、不搞场馆散乱分布的奥运会。所有的比赛地点,都在地铁站或者通勤火车线路10 分钟步行路程之内。
The International Olympic Committee has been forced to encourage this kind of thinking. Interest in hosting has declined as potential hosts watched costs spiral out of control for recent Games in Beijing ($40 billion) and Sochi, Russia ($50 billion).
Still, one might wonder if Boston’s proposal was actually made by The Onion: The athletes could live in college dormitories that are empty during the summer; the modular housing of an Olympic village could later become new dorms; and a proposed $700 million Olympic Stadium would be temporary, so it could be razed or relocated.
Does anyone think this might be carrying Yankee frugality too far? And are Olympic bigwigs serious about not wanting an extravaganza?
Either way, the Boston promoters are trying to win over naysayers by promising tangible benefits like upgrades in roads, bridges and public transit. But many wonder why it would take the Olympics to get those much-needed improvements. The Boston Globe columnist Joan Vennochi wrote that the promoters were giving Bostonians an impossible choice: Buy in to their bid to get a modern transportation system, or “be labeled a small-minded, provincial party-pooper.”
不管怎样,波士顿举办奥运会的推动者正在努力争取那些唱反调的人,他们许以种种实在的好处,比如修路、修桥,更新公交系统。但许多人都想知道,为什么基础设施的改进非得通过奥运会来完成。《波士顿环球报》(The Boston Globe)的专栏作家琼·文诺奇(Joan Vennochi)写道,波士顿举办奥运会的推动者向波士顿人提供了一个棘手的选择:想要一个现代的交通系统就要支持办奥运,否则“就要被贴上心胸狭隘、没见过世面的扫兴鬼的标签”。
And there you have it: Without the Olympics, Boston cannot be world class. KATHARINE Q. SEELYE
所以你看:不举办奥运会的话,波士顿就不可能成为世界级的城市。KATHARINE Q. SEELYE
2. Los Angeles
Have you been to Boston? It’s boring.
Sorry, Washington: No nation wants to send athletes to the home of the National Security Agency.
That leaves Los Angeles with one actual competitor, San Francisco. It’s up to you, International Olympic Committee, but the population of that peninsula city — already terribly full of its Apple-Google-Uber self — would very likely burst into a fireball of smugness if it was also given the 2024 Olympics. Think it over.
Los Angeles, on the other hand, is the perfect choice.
The Chinese will be running Hollywood by then (except for North Korea’s Democratic Republic of Sony Pictures), so their athletes will feel right at home. To save on housing costs, David Geffen can offer to host the men’s gymnastics team at his mansion. And also the men’s water polo team.
到时候中国已经接管了好莱坞(除了归北朝鲜民主主义人民共和国领导的索尼影业),所以他们的运动员肯定会觉得宾至如归。为了节省住宿开销,男子体操队可以住进大卫·格芬(David Geffen)的大宅子,男子水球队也能住进去。
Beach volleyball? Hello.
True, there will be no water for the aquatic center. Perhaps the pools could be filled with San Pellegrino. Or perhaps the divers could simply be trained to land in one of those itty-bitty washtubs, the way they used to at the circus. We’ll work it out.
Imagine the opening ceremony Los Angeles could put together: Meryl Streep riding sidesaddle on a dolphin. Magic Johnson and Mama Kardashian carrying the torch. Fireworks sponsored by “Star Wars: Episode Ad Nauseam: Does It Really Matter What We Subtitle These Anymore, Part 1.”
试想在洛杉矶举办的开幕式可以凑出什么东西来:梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)骑海豚。魔术师约翰逊(Magic Johnson)和卡戴珊大妈(Mama Kardashian)举火炬。焰火由《星球大战:没完没了的第N集:起什么副标题还重要吗,第一部》赞助。
Look, there are pros and cons for every potential host city. Pro: Los Angeles would become more health-conscious than it already is. Con: Los Angeles would become more health-conscious than it already is.
But the City of Angels, really and truly, is a terrific choice. Get under the hood, beyond its silly celebrity facade, and you will see how serious a contender it is:
Los Angeles is bigger than Boston, Washington and San Francisco combined. More than 30 countries have their second largest population in Los Angeles, a region of roughly 19 million people, giving a home-field advantage to more than Americans.
Naysayers will bray that Los Angeles has hosted the Summer Games, twice. True, and that experience could be critical. Besides, London has been an Olympic city three times, so get over it.
Among subway construction, road improvements and a desperately needed modernization of the Los Angeles International Airport, $40 billion worth of infrastructure enhancements are underway.
In other words, stuff is being built in Los Angeles — unlike in San Francisco, where something as seemingly simple as improving four grass soccer fields last year was met with litigation, protests and a ballot measure. (For real.)
Speaking of roads, everyone worries about Southern California’s famous freeway gridlock, which can indeed be formidable. But in 2011 and 2012, when a particularly busy stretch of Interstate 405 was closed for days at a time to accommodate construction, the opposite of Carmageddon happened: the streets emptied, with residents foregoing unnecessary trips.
Finally: Have you been to Boston? BROOKS BARNES
最后,你去过波士顿吗? BROOKS BARNES
3. Washington
Unlike other cities that hide their goodies far from the airport, the glories of your nation’s capital are breathtakingly beneath you in your final approach. There is Arlington National Cemetery! Hello, Jefferson Memorial! Wow, I can practically touch the Washington Monument from my seat! (Fun game: Listen to a passenger near you describe with great authority and total inaccuracy what they see. My personal favorite was the guy who called the United States Capitol a memorial to George Washington.)
The thrills may ebb once you try to exit the airport.
A lack of proper signage, the absence of left-turn lanes, terrifying traffic circles for which the right of way seems to go to the fastest driver and an unpredictable public transit system can vex the visitor.
As such, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, for which there is a Twitter handle devoted to its daily bad deeds, needs to step up the maintenance right quick if we are to host the 2024 Summer Olympics. Congress, fond of meddling in the district’s business, should help.
But, hey, you’re here to watch sports. The city recently approved the construction of a new soccer stadium, which would keep company with our lovely home to baseball’s Nationals, right in the heart of the city, as well as FedEx Field, Verizon Center, the Armory and various University of Maryland venues. At last, R.F.K. Stadium, which is, politely, an embarrassingly decrepit pit, would almost certainly be renovated, or, better yet, demolished, with a glorious new Olympic stadium in its place. So stadiums: We’ve got it more or less covered.
The Potomac River is a world-class kayaking venue and a possible host for rowing, and the Anacostia is well on its way. Our topography is good for cycling, and we have a strong — even White House-centered — history with equestrian sports. The area has produced champions in swimming, running and triathlon. We host a pro tennis tournament every year, as well as pro golf tournaments. In short, the hypercompetitive neurosis that fuels our political culture has been good for athleticism.
You will hear bad things about our summer weather. It’s true. But there is an upside: In late summer, locals empty the place out, which means plenty of housing will be available. (Anyone want first dibs on a well-situated house in the northwest quadrant? It currently comes with an 11-year-old who can walk you through the cable system and a teenager who will block you on Twitter.)
Amid the obligatory debates of what will become of an Olympic village in a town in desperate need of affordable housing once revelers hit the road, we tend to keep the focus on tourists. The two-for-one thrills of monuments, free Smithsonian museums and the maligned but majestic center of government rival all the other cities for non-Olympic recreation.
There is plenty to eat here now, and our crab cakes can edge out Los Angeles sushi any day. We have better pizza now, too. No, seriously, we do. JENNIFER STEINHAUER
现在这里好吃的也很多, 我们的蟹饼随时都可以击败洛杉矶的寿司。我们现在还有更好吃的披萨。不,真的,我们确实有。JENNIFER STEINHAUER
4. San Francisco
Secretly, and somewhat smugly, San Franciscans love that so many other people love their city. They see their home as one of the most beautiful and interesting cities in the world, too. Validation is nice.
But with all due respect, many in San Francisco would rather you do your fawning from a distance. Traffic is bad enough without the double-decker tourist buses blocking the view atop Lombard Street or clogging the Golden Gate Bridge.
So it is with some reluctance that the following suggestion is made: San Francisco would be quite a sensible place to hold the Summer Olympics.
The Bay Area’s bid can promise cool summer weather (with virtually no rain), a decent mass-transit system (not cable cars) and a collection of well-suited venues spread (but not too far) across the landscape.
San Francisco has its cultural critics, but it would show the world a United States that is environmentally friendly, diverse in many ways and technologically advanced. And if we in the Bay Area were the type to brag, we would add that the scenery is incredible.
But the key lies in the venues. In these post-Athens and Beijing days, no one wants to spend money on new ones, and San Francisco is not looking to use the Olympics as a means to a bigger, urban-renewal end.
There are lots of colleges and two major universities (Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley) with huge stadiums, arenas and dormitories. There are plenty of places to house athletes and hold smaller events.
Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara is hosting the Super Bowl in 2016. A planned waterfront basketball arena for the Warriors should open in a few years. A Major League Soccer stadium is being built in San Jose. If baseball and softball return to the Olympic docket, well, there are plenty of places to play those, too, including two Major League Baseball stadiums.
San Francisco organizers are not quite sure where to put track and field and the opening and closing ceremonies. One idea is to build a temporary stadium south of shuttered Candlestick Park. That sounds like something Athens would do.
Until that is figured out, imagine sailing between the Golden Gate and Bay bridges in San Francisco Bay; the same course that was perfect for the summer-long America’s Cup in 2013 is good enough for a couple weeks of Olympics.
Picture a hilly marathon tracing up the crooked block of Lombard Street. Or mountain biking in Marin County, the birthplace of the sport. Or the triathlon off Alcatraz, beach volleyball at City Hall, rowing in McCovey Cove. And if the Olympics still insist on golf, there is the Olympic Club or Pebble Beach.
Supporters of Boston, Washington, Los Angeles might combat their disadvantages with snarky comparisons about summers in San Francisco and the coldest winters. Summer is fog season, and daytime temperatures in patches of the city can get stuck in the 50s. That is why armies of entrepreneurs sell cheap San Francisco jackets and sweatshirts to tourists who expected a July trip to Fisherman’s Wharf would include sunshine and warmth.