Should We Believe in Santa Claus?
In 1897 the American Civil War correspondent and editor Francis Pharcellus Church wrote an editorial for the New York newspaper The Sun in defense of religious belief. The piece responded to a question by 8-year-old Virginia O. Hanlon and included what has become the famous catch phrase, “Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus.”
1897年,为了捍卫宗教信仰,曾在南北战争时期担任战地记者的纽约《太阳报》(The Sun)编辑弗朗西斯·法塞勒斯·彻奇(Francis Pharcellus Church)给该报写了篇社论。这篇文章对时年8岁的弗吉尼亚·O·汉隆(Virginia O. Hanlon)提出的一个问题作了回应,其中的一句话已经成了广为流传的名言:“是的,弗吉尼亚,世界上真的有圣诞老人。”
Church’s argument is double-barreled. First he argues we have no way of knowing if Santa is really there. Even if we observed every chimney in the world, we wouldn’t know that Santa couldn’t slip through in some as yet undetected and untheorized manner. After all, we know today that both Church and Virginia had neutrinos passing through their bodies although neutrinos were far beyond the most advanced physics of their day. Maybe Santa’s like that. Further, just as the human stomach — unlike the termite’s — can’t digest wood, so there are some things our brains just aren’t capable of knowing. Maybe Santa is one of them.But why does Church argue for making the leap to Santa belief, rather than standing pat with Santa agnosticism? Here Church brings in his second, pragmatic point. We should believe in Santa Claus because it will make our lives better if we do. Echoing Nietzsche’s defense of art, Church argues that we need poetry, romance and childlike faith to make life tolerable. Life without Santa is dreary and unromantic, and life with Santa is fun and magical. So we might as well believe in him. We also, according to Church, should believe in fairies dancing on the lawn, and an unseen world full of “supernal beauty and glory.”
彻奇在论证过程中双管齐下。他首先表示,我们无法知道是否真的有圣诞老人。即便已经查看过世界上的每一个烟囱,我们也无法确定圣诞老人没有以某种人类尚未发现的、不能用现有理论来解释的方式溜走。别忘了,我们现在知道中微子会穿过彻奇和弗吉尼亚的身体,但在他们生活的年代,即便掌握了最前沿的物理学理论,也远远无法弄清什么是中微子。也许圣诞老人就是一个与此类似的存在。而且,就像人类的胃——不同于白蚁的胃——无法消化木头一样,我们的大脑也无法知晓某些事情。或许圣诞老人就是其中之一。但彻奇为什么不坚持圣诞老人的不可知论,而是主张大胆相信圣诞老人存在论呢?他从实用主义的角度抛出了自己的第二个观点。我们应该相信圣诞老人存在,因为如果这样做,我们就能活得更好。他指出,为了让生活更好过一些,我们需要诗歌、浪漫以及孩子气的信仰,这与尼采 (Nietzsche)为艺术辩白的方式如出一辙。没有圣诞老人的生活沉闷而又平淡,有了圣诞老人,生活则会变得有趣而又神奇。因此我们不妨相信他存在。按照彻奇的说法,我们还应该相信真的有在草坪上跳舞的精灵,真的有一个看不见的世界,那里满是“超凡的美丽和荣光”。
As a war reporter, Church saw mass slaughter carried out in the name of unseen ideals. He needed to believe in fairies, but we may balk at his Victorian tone with its creepy veneration of childhood and high-toned glurge. So it’s worth restating his point about the benefits of a belief in Santa in more modern, prosaic terms.
The sine qua non of Santa is that he brings Christmas gifts, and the real benefits of Santa belief relate to the practice of gift-giving. Gift-giving, as O. Henry points out in his story “The Gift of the Magi,” seems to wither under rational scrutiny. In the story, you will recall (and if not, spoiler alert), the husband sells his favorite possession, a watch, to get his wife a comb for her beautiful hair, only to learn that she has sold her hair to a wigmaker in order to earn the money to buy him a fob for his watch. From a utilitarian point of view this gift exchange was a fiasco. If we believe in Santa, we believe in an aspect of gift-giving that resists rational analysis. Further, if we believe in Santa, a mysterious figure who comes in the middle of the night, we make a deliberate move toward obscurity — we prevent certain emotional underpinnings of our lives from being demystified. And that, Church argues, is good.
圣诞老人之所以成其为圣诞老人,是因为他会带来圣诞礼物;相信圣诞老人存在论的切实好处,是与送礼物这一惯例联系在一起的。正如欧·亨利(O. Henry )在小说《麦琪的礼物》(The Gift of the Magi)中所指出的,赠送礼物这件事是经不起理性推敲的。还记得吧,在那篇小说里(如果没看过,小心剧透),丈夫变卖了自己最宝贵的财产——一块手表 ——给妻子买了一把梳子,让她用来梳理秀发,结果却得知,妻子把一头秀发卖给了假发商,用换来的钱给他买了表链。从功利的角度看,这场礼物交换简直失败透顶。如果我们相信有圣诞老人,那么就等于相信,礼物赠送的一个特点就是拒绝理性分析。此外,如果我们相信有圣诞老人,这个神秘的人物会在午夜从天而降,那我们就相当于刻意地朝着难得糊涂的状态迈出了一步——我们防止了生活的某种情感基础被掀个底儿掉。彻奇认为,这是有好处的。
Let’s say we agree with Church that Santa belief is a worthwhile state to get ourselves into because it protects the practice of gift-giving against the onslaughts of utilitarian rationality. Is it possible to do so? At first glance it would seem that the only way to do that would be through some sort of self-deception. Some part of me knows that the presents come from a supply chain stretching back to China, so if I want to believe they come from a jolly old elf, I need to lie to myself. I could perhaps use some combination of meditation techniques and psychoactive drugs to induce Santa belief. Maybe I could take psilocybin and have a group of my friends chant, “Santa exists! Santa exists!” while I am tripping my brains out. Socially, we could form a benevolent conspiracy, telling one another that Santa exists even though we know he doesn’t. Parents do that to children.
And yet, how is that possible? Even if it’s desirable to game ourselves to believe in Santa, wouldn’t the part of us that chose to believe have to know it in order to carry out the deception? Wouldn’t the group of us — call them parents — have to lose the benefits of Santa belief in order to trick our kids? And if we succeeded in both lying to ourselves about Santa and covering up the cover-up, wouldn’t we thereby forgo the benefits that Church hoped to obtain? If we lied to ourselves about the existence of Santa and forgot the lie, then the existence of Santa would just be a fact to us, as prosaic as the existence of Chris Christie. We seem condemned to the romantic emotion of longing for what we can never have.
然而,这怎么可能?即使骗自己相信圣诞老人是件好事,我们也必须得先了解底细,才能骗得像模像样,不是吗?我们这些为人父母者,必须放弃圣诞老人信念带给我们的好处,才能骗得了孩子,不是吗?如果我们真的在圣诞老人的事情上对自己撒了谎,而且掩饰得毫无破绽,那我们就放弃了彻奇希望得到的好处,不是吗?如果我们骗自己说圣诞老人真的存在,然后忘记这是个谎言,那么对我们来说,圣诞老人的存在就会像克里斯·克里斯蒂(Chris Christie)的存在一样平淡无奇,是吗?我们似乎被迫要接受一种浪漫情怀,要向往自己永远无法拥有的东西。
I think the situation is jollier than that, because this account of self-manipulation and self-deception is wrong, insofar as its account of the self is wrong. The view that Santa belief is self-deception assumes that we have a clear self with preferences and beliefs, and that this self chooses to believe in Santa in order to get some things it wants, but there is reason to suspect that this is only a Cartesian myth.
As the early 20th century social scientist and philosopher Otto Neurath pointed out in his simile of the boat that must be rebuilt while it is still out at sea, we are always reconstructing our beliefs from a standpoint of continuing action and never have the opportunity to review them all at once. We come to awareness with things we say and do, images that excite us to reverence and disgust, and communities we are a part of. None of this is especially clear to us at the outset. What does it mean that I’m in my family? What does it mean that I want to be happy? What does it mean that I believe in democracy? We are in the family, want the happiness and believe in the democracy without having a clear idea what “family,” “happiness” or “democracy” are.
20世纪初的社会科学家和哲学家奥托·纽拉特(Otto Neurath)指出,我们总是从持续行动的角度来重建我们的信念,永远不会有机会立刻审视它们,对此他做了一个比喻:船只必须在海上的时候重建。对于我们说和做的事情,激发我们崇敬和厌恶的场景,以及我们所在的社会,我们会逐渐产生意识。而在一开始,这一切对我们来说并不怎么清楚。我生活在家庭中,这是什么意思?我想过得快乐,这是什么意思?我相信民主,这是什么意思?我们无需对“家”、“幸福”和“民主”有清楚的概念,就已经生活在家庭中,想要过得快乐,而且相信民主了。
Each belief is the beginning of a voyage of self-discovery and self-transformation. We don’t have a fully realized self that investigates these questions. Rather, our self comes into focus and achieves its shape as we discover or decide what we believe and what is important to us.
When it comes to Santa, some of us, like Virginia, have inherited him as a set of feelings, or images we love, or songs we sing, and it’s an option for us to move forward with him. In other words, we are not utility-maximizing agents trying to decide whether it’s worth it to believe in Santa. We come to be a self by the things we say, the relationships we form, and the goals we shoot for. If these are Santa-ish things, relationships and goals, then it makes sense to say we are coming to be ourselves as believers in Santa.
You could say that the self is a gift we have received from our language, our history, our biology, our culture and our family, and like a gift it is defined not by what it is but by how we use it and the quality of the relationships it brings. If we receive the gift of our self with gratitude and hand it on to others with generosity, we are not just believing in Santa, we’re being Santa-like.