英语听力汇总   |   美国打破男同性恋不能献血禁令





F.D.A. Lifting Lifetime Ban on Gay Blood Donors


WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday that it would scrap a decades-old lifetime prohibition on blood donation by gay and bisexual men, a major stride toward ending what many had seen as a national policy of discrimination.

华盛顿——周二,美国食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration,简称FDA)宣布将废止同性恋与双性恋男性终身不得献血的规定,该规定已经实施了几十年。此举朝终结许多人眼中的全国性歧视政策,迈进了一大步。

However, the agency will continue to ban men who have been sexually active in the last year, saying that the barrier is necessary to keep the blood supply safe, a move that frustrated rights groups that were pushing for the ban to be removed entirely.


The F.D.A. enacted the ban in 1983, early in the AIDS epidemic. At the time, little was known about the human immunodeficiency virus, which causes the disease, and there was no quick test to determine whether somebody had it. But science — and the understanding of H.I.V. in particular — has advanced in the intervening decades. On Tuesday the F.D.A. acknowledged as much, lifting the lifetime ban but keeping in place a block on donations by men who have had sex with other men in the last 12 months.

1983年,FDA颁布了这项禁令,当时是艾滋病(AIDS)流行的早期阶段。那个时候,人们对引发艾滋病的人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,简称HIV)知之甚少,而且也没有快速的检测方法来确定病毒感染者。但是,科学在这几十年间取得了进步,尤其是对HIV的了解。周二,FDA 也承认了这一点,取消了终身禁令,但是仍然禁止曾在过去12个月中与另一名男子发生性关系的男性献血。

The new 12-month waiting period imposes on gay men the same restriction as that imposed on heterosexuals who engage in high-risk behavior, including sex with prostitutes or with people who inject drugs.


Although the most modern tests can detect the virus in blood in as little as nine days after infection, the restrictions on heterosexuals were written before the tests became that refined, when it might take several weeks before the virus or antibodies to it could be detected. Also, blood banks know that donors do not always tell the truth about their sexual activity on questionnaires. A yearlong prohibition on dangerous sexual activity gives them a larger margin of error.


In written remarks, the agency said it was keeping the 12-month ban because “compelling scientific evidence is not available at this time to support a change to a deferral period less than one year while still ensuring the safety of the blood supply.”


The shift puts the United States on par with many European countries, including Britain, which adjusted its lifetime ban in favor of a 12-month restriction in 2011.


The F.D.A. rules on blood donation generally include very wide margins of error. For example, it bars anyone who has traveled in areas where malaria is common from giving blood for a year, even though malaria symptoms are almost unmistakable — chills and fever — and virtually always appear within 40 days.


Most men’s health advocates called the move long overdue, and said that the overall ban was not based on the latest science and that it perpetuated stigma about gay men as a risk to the health of the nation. Legal experts said the change brought an important national health policy in line with other legal and political rights for gay Americans, like permitting gay people to marry and to serve openly in the military.


GMHC, the advocacy group formerly known as Gay Men’s Health Crisis, called the new policy “offensive and harmful.” AIDS United, a Washington-based lobbying group, said that it was a “step forward,” but that it “continues to perpetuate discrimination against gay and bisexual men.”

倡导组织GMHC称这项新政策“令人反感且有害”,该组织过去名为“男同性恋健康危机”(Gay Men’s Health Crisis)。总部位于华盛顿的游说团体AIDS United则表示,这是一个“进步”,但它“延续了对同性恋和双性恋男性的歧视”。

In a statement, the agency said that it had “carefully examined and considered the scientific evidence” and that it intended to issue a draft guidance detailing the change in 2015. An F.D.A. official told reporters there was not enough science to support lifting the 12-month ban, an assertion that men’s health groups dispute.


“At this time we simply do not have the evidence to suggest that we can go to a shorter period,” said Dr. Peter Marks, deputy director of the F.D.A.'s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.

FDA生物制品评价和研究中心(Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research)副主任彼得·马克斯(Peter Marks)说,“现在根本没有足够的证据表明我们可以缩短这个时间。”

The agency’s decision seems to have been guided by data that emerged after similar policy changes in other countries. For example, Dr. Marks cited data from Australia, where studies have shown no increased risk to the blood supply after the country changed the ban from lifetime to a year.


Other groups applauded the shift, pointing out that it had been pushed for years by medical experts, blood banks and gay men’s health organizations who argued that the policy had long outlived its usefulness for safety in the blood supply.


“A lot has changed since 1983,” said Sean Cahill, director of health policy research at the Fenway Institute. He called the shift “an important incremental step toward a better policy. That’s how policies often change — incrementally.”

“自1983年以来,发生了很多变化,”芬威研究所(Fenway Institute)卫生政策研究的负责人肖恩·卡希尔(Sean Cahill)说。他说这项变化“在政策逐步改善的过程中是一个步骤。政策通常就是这样变化的——逐步进行。”

While the burden of H.I.V. in the United States falls disproportionately on gay and bisexual men — Mr. Cahill cited estimates from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that two-thirds of an estimated 50,000 new H.I.V. infections in the United States each year occur among men who have sex with men — the vast majority of gay and bisexual men are not H.I.V. positive, a fact that the 1980s-era policy essentially ignored by counting every single man who had had sex with a man since 1977 as suspect.

虽然美国的HIV感染者中,同性恋或双性恋男性所占的比例异常地大——卡希尔引用美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的估计数据称,美国每年大约5万名新增HIV感染者中,有三分之二都是曾与男性发生性关系的男性——但绝大部分同性恋和双性恋男性都不是HIV携带者。上世纪80年代的政策基本都忽略了这个事实,而是把从1977年来曾与男性发生过性关系的每个男性都当成了疑似患者。