英语听力汇总   |   新书披露教皇方济各究竟是一个怎样的人





Shaping a Shepherd of Catholics, From Argentine Slums to the Vatican


The most controversial incident in Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s tenure as Jesuit provincial (that is, regional superior) of Argentina came in 1976. Father Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, was a prayerful man, a charismatic leader and a priest deeply committed to the poor. As Jesuit provincial, he was also charged with the care of Jesuit priests and brothers throughout Argentina. A few years after taking office at the alarmingly young age of 36, he was faced with the thorny problem of how best to support two priests, Orlando Yorio and Franz Jalics, who had moved into a slum in Buenos Aires and were advocates for the poor in the face of brutal government opposition during Argentina’s so-called Dirty War.

豪尔赫·马里奥·贝尔格里奧(Jorge Mario Bergoglio)担任耶稣会阿根廷教省会长期间最具争议的事件发生在1976年。那时,贝尔格里奧神父,也就是如今的教皇方济各(Pope Francis),是一个虔诚的人、一位有魅力的领导者、一位致力于救助穷人的神父。作为耶稣会阿根廷教省会长,他还有责任照顾全阿根廷的耶稣会神父和兄弟。他年仅36岁就开始担任这一职位。几年后,他遇到了一个棘手的问题:如何最好地支持奥兰多·约里奥(Orlando Yorio)神父和弗朗茨·亚利奇(Franz Jalics)神父,他们在阿根廷所谓的“肮脏战争”期间搬到布宜诺斯艾利斯的一个贫民窟,顶着政府的残酷压迫支持穷人。

Father Bergoglio supported the work of those referred to as slum priests, but warned the two of the dangers inherent in their ministries. Around the same time, Father Yorio sought approval for his final vows as a Jesuit. Because of suspicions about his work, the evaluations Father Bergoglio received from other Jesuits were largely negative. Some Jesuits in Rome, according to Austen Ivereigh, author of “The Great Reformer,” a fine new biography of Pope Francis, also believed rumors that the two were linked with guerrillas, and so their community in the slums was ordered disbanded.

贝尔格里奧神父支持这两位贫民窟神父的工作,不过也用担任神职工作固有的危险警告他俩。差不多在同一时期,约里奥神父想获准作为耶稣会士做最终宣誓。由于其他耶稣会士对约里奥的工作有所怀疑,贝尔格里奧神父收到的对约里奥的评价大多是负面的。据《伟大的改革者》(The Great Reformer,一本精彩的教皇方济各新传记)的作者奥斯汀·伊凡里(Austen Ivereigh)称,罗马的某些耶稣会士也相信这两位神父与游击队有牵连的传言,所以他们在贫民窟的团体被下令解散。

As a compromise, Father Bergoglio suggested they continue their work with the poor, but live in a nearby Jesuit community. Rather than abide by his request — which they were obliged to do under their vow of obedience — the two decided to leave the Jesuits. Shortly afterward, they were captured and tortured by military forces, who held them captive for several months. Father Bergoglio worked furiously behind the scenes, going to what Mr. Ivereigh calls “extraordinary lengths” to secure their release.


Nonetheless, rumors persisted that Father Bergoglio had betrayed them. Until his death in 2000, Mr. Yorio remained bitter toward his former superior. Father Jalics, however, chose to remain a Jesuit and, ultimately, had a tearful reconciliation with his former provincial, then the archbishop of Buenos Aires. By then, it had become clear that the two had been abducted because a lay teacher who had become a guerrilla had given up their names under torture.


Mr. Ivereigh also convincingly shows how Father Bergoglio quietly provided sanctuary for, and even smuggled out of the country, several people persecuted by the Argentine junta, a story told in another new book, Nello Scavo’s “Bergoglio’s List” (Saint Benedict Press).

伊凡里还很有说服力地表明,贝尔格里奥神父曾暗地里为几个遭到阿根廷军政府迫害的人提供避难所,甚至帮助他们逃离该国。内洛·斯卡沃(Nello Scavo)的新书《贝尔格里奥的名单》(Bergoglio’s List,圣本笃出版社[Saint Benedict Press])也讲述了这个故事。

The complicated story of the abducted priests is told well in Mr. Ivereigh’s comprehensive book, subtitled “Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope.” Mr. Ivereigh, a Roman Catholic journalist who was briefly a Jesuit novice in the late 1990s, shows how the qualities that have made Francis a beloved pope were long part of his life, first as a young Catholic, then as Jesuit novice director and provincial, and finally as bishop and archbishop. These attributes included a deep piety nourished by his family, the fierce intelligence recalled by former classmates and a lasting love for the poor. While a teenager, and earning his living as a doorman at a tango bar (yes, the pope likes to tango), he told a friend that he wanted to be a Jesuit so he could go out into the neighborhoods “to be with people.”

伊凡里在这本全面详实的书中精彩讲述了两位神父遭绑架这一复杂事件。这本书的副标题是《方济各与激进教皇的成长历程》(Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope)。伊凡里是一位罗马天主教记者,20世纪90年代末曾短暂做过耶稣会的见习修士。他展示出方济各长久以来一直具备的优秀品质,从年轻的天主教徒,后来的耶稣会新主管和会长,直到最后的主教和大主教,最终令他成为受人爱戴的教皇。这些品质包括家庭熏陶出来的深沉虔诚、同学们记忆里的聪明才智,以及对穷苦民众永恒的爱。十几岁时,他在探戈酒吧做看门人挣钱(是的,教皇喜欢跳探戈),当时他告诉一位朋友,自己希望成为耶稣会士,这样他就能去附近社区 “和民众在一起”。

Because of his popularity as Jesuit provincial, particularly among younger Jesuits, Father Bergoglio was seen as a threat by some. During a period of volcanic change in the church, he tried to steer Argentine Jesuits away from what the French theologian Yves Congar called “false reform” and toward “true reform.” And it was Father Bergoglio who discerned between the two, rankling not a few Jesuits.

贝尔格里奧神父担任耶稣会阿根廷教省会长时很受欢迎,特别受到年轻耶稣会士的爱戴,因此被某些人视为威胁。在教会剧烈变革时期,他努力让阿根廷耶稣会摆脱法国神学家伊夫·孔加尔(Yves Congar)所称的“虚假改革”,转向“真正的改革”。贝尔格里奧神父分清了两者的区别,因此惹怒了不少耶稣会士。

As a consequence of this, and of decisions that he later ruefully called authoritarian, the province grew increasingly divided. Some of those sentiments lingered until a few days after his election as pope, when he called the Jesuit superior general, leader of the order, in Rome to re-establish warm relations. When he identified himself, the astonished telephone operator at the Jesuit Curia said his first thought was, “Sure, and I’m Napoleon.”


While running the archdiocese of Buenos Aires, Archbishop Bergoglio showed the same impulse toward simplicity and love for the poor that have become the hallmarks of his papacy. He inveighed against priests who display “spiritual worldliness” and told Elisabetta Piqué, a journalist for La Nación in Argentina (and the author of another fine biography, “Francis: Life and Revolution,” Loyola Press): “In Gospel terms, every elevation implies a descent; you have to abase yourself in order to serve better.”

在掌管布宜诺斯艾利斯大主教区期间,贝尔格里奥大主教表现出同样的简朴作风和对穷人的爱,这些品质已成为他这任教皇的标志。他痛斥那些表现出“精神世俗”的神父,对阿根廷《民族报》(La Nación)记者伊丽莎白·皮克(Elisabetta Piqué,她写过另一本精彩传记《方济各生平及改革》[Francis: Life and Revolution],洛约拉出版社[Loyola Press])说:“用《福音书》的话说,每次提升都意味着下降;为了更好地服务民众,你必须谦卑。”

He was an innovative archbishop, reaching out to political leaders who opposed the church and establishing close friendships with Christian leaders, rabbis and imams. In 2004, he became the first bishop to visit the Islamic Center of the Argentine Republic. Mr. Ivereigh deftly shows that much as Pope Francis (and I) believe that the Holy Spirit, in the pope’s words, “changed” him after his election, the same radical openness that the world now sees in Vatican City characterized his life in Buenos Aires.


The most controversial part of Mr. Ivereigh’s book has proved to be a passage describing Cardinal Bergoglio’s election as pope. Mr. Ivereigh writes that Cardinal Bergoglio gave his assent to a group of four cardinals (including Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, the former archbishop of Westminster, for whom Mr. Ivereigh once worked) who were planning to gather support for his candidacy. (Such assent is verboten in conclaves.) All four cardinals have denied this, and the author has said he would amend the sentence in future editions. But the coalescing of groups behind prospective popes is part of the conclave process, and the Holy Spirit can work through that as well.

伊凡里的书中最具争议的部分是对枢机主教贝尔格里奥当选教皇的描述。伊凡里写道,枢机主教贝尔格里奥准许四位枢机主教(包括前威斯敏斯特大主教科马克·墨菲-奥康纳[Cormac Murphy-O’Connor],伊凡里曾为他工作过)为他争取候选资格的计划(教皇选举会议禁止这种准许行为)。四位枢机主教都否认了这件事,作者说他将在未来的版本中修改这句话。但是教皇候选者背后的团体联合是教皇选举会议的一部分,圣灵也可以参与这个过程。