1. Tutankhamun's tomb, Egypt.埃及图坦卡蒙法老墓
When it comes to treasure troves, it's hard to beat the tomb of this Egyptian pharaoh. Its discovery had all the ingredients of the intrepid expedition: an old-school British archaeologist (Howard Carter), rumors of a curse, and a treasure so vast that it took about a decade to empty the tomb. It was unearthed in 1922 after a seven-year hunt in Egypt's Valley of Kings. There, Carter found several secret chambers containing gilded statues, gold coffins and the pharaoh's iconic burial mask, which is now displayed at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.
2. The Dead Sea Scrolls, Israel.以色列的《死海古卷》
The collection of scrolls, which include several of the oldest known Hebrew biblical texts, was first discovered in 1947 by Bedouin shepherds in caves northwest of the Dead Sea, in what today is Israel's West Bank. A total of around 900 scrolls were found in later years. The Dead Sea Scrolls offer the most extensive testimony of religious life in the first century, a crucial time for the development of Christianity and modern Judaism.
3.Bactrian Gold, Afghanistan. 阿富汗大夏金器
In 1978 a group led by a Soviet archaeologist stumbled upon burial mounds in northern Afghanistan containing golden artifacts that were traced to Bactria, a nomadic civilization which surrendered to the armies of Alexander the Great. But as the country slid into war, the treasure -- originally kept at Kabul's National Museum -- was shifted to a vault in the presidential palace and controlled by a central bank official. The treasure was rediscovered in 2004. The hoard, which has traveled extensively, is based in Kabul's National Museum.
4.The Domus Aurea, Italy. 意大利金宫
The Domus Aurea, Latin for golden house, is the largest palace known to have been build in ancient Rome. The artists had enough time to draw replicas of the frescos that decorated its walls before humidity got the best of them. Emperor Nero started building the Domus Aurea after 64 A.D., when a fire almost wiped out the city in its entirety. After his death, his successors wanted to leave no trace of the palace and buried it.
Domus Aurea在拉丁语中是“金屋”的意思,它铺张地采用大理石、马赛克、壁画和粉饰灰泥做装饰,是目前已知的古罗马时期规模最大的宫殿。在用于装饰 壁的大部分壁画被湿气破坏以前,这些艺术家有足够的时间把它们临摹了下来。公元64年,一场大火几乎烧毁了整座罗马城,随后尼禄开始兴建这座金宫。在尼禄死后,他的继位者不想留下任何关于这座宫殿的痕迹,于是把它掩埋起来。
5. Treasure of Nimrud, Iraq.伊拉克尼姆鲁德宝藏
In 1988 an Iraqi archeologist unearthed golden jewelry, ornaments and other precious Assyrian artifacts. They were exhibited at Baghdad's National Museum for just a few months before Iraq invaded Kuwait and the treasure had to be stashed away in a secret location. After that, little was known of the treasure. Many feared it had been looted, sold or blown up in missile strikes. It wasn't until June 2003 that a delegation of museum staff and U.S. officials found the treasure, intact, in five waterlogged wooden crates in a basement of a bombed out building of the central bank.