英语听力汇总   |   盘点国外电影中的经典“爸爸”







Three Men and a Baby 《三个奶爸一个娃》:三位奶爸

When bachelors Peter (the architect), Michael (the artist) and Jack (the actor) find a baby girl that was left at their front door, things get a little wacky. Jack is surprised (to say the least) when he finds out the child is his—the result of an affair with a co-star. The three men change their lifestyles completely to accommodate and properly care for little Mary. As this trio of dads add a nursery to their New York City bachelor pad, spend countless hours singing Mary to sleep and replace their six packs with baby food, they turn into great father-figures along the way.




The Pursuit of Happyness 《当幸福来敲门》:克里斯·加德纳

Based on a true story, when struggling salesman Chris Gardner loses his job, his wife and all of his assets (including the house, bank account and credit cards), he becomes determined to find a job to support him and his son, Christopher, played by Smith's real-life son Jaden. The father-son duo experience homelessness and many other trials and tribulations together, but through Gardner's sheer willpower he manages to get his family-of-two back on track.




Finding Nemo 《海底总动员》:玛林

After losing his wife Coral and all but one of their babies to a barracuda, Marlin the clownfish becomes very protective of his remaining child, Nemo. When Nemo gets scooped up from the ocean by a scuba diver and plunked into a dentist office fish tank in Sydney, Australia, Marlin travels across the ocean, encountering many different obstacles all in order to find his missing son. The story of his devotion travels from sea to land, finally leading the father and son back together again.





Mrs. Doubtfire  《窈窕奶爸》:丹尼·希拉德/道菲尔太太

It comes as no surprise that this father made our list for going above and beyond his fatherly duty. Daniel Hillard disguises himself as a 60-year-old widow from England so that he (or, shall we say, "she") can act as his own children's nanny at his ex-wife's house—an act of devotion like we've never seen. The task isn't easy and juggling panty hose, wigs and dentures is all part of what he endures to see his children. We say, "Do it like a lady!"

尼本是卡通配音员,但因擅加对白而遭开除,他在儿子生日时,把家里搞得天翻地覆,在办公室里忙得焦头烂额的妻子玛兰达一回到家看到这副乱象,怒火中烧,将丹尼扫地出门。 丹尼丢了差事,且无处可栖,他和玛兰达在法庭上争取孩子的监护权当然落败,法庭判他只能在周六和孩子相聚,丹尼子心切,遂男扮女装,化身为英国籍六十五岁的老奶奶前去应徵奶妈......



Jersey Girl  《新泽西爱未眠》:欧立

When Ollie tragically loses his wife during childbirth, he has no choice but to raise their daughter Gertie by himself. He decides to move from Manhattan to his father's house in New Jersey, and after a series of ups and downs, workaholic Ollie finally realizes that raising his daughter is more important than anything else. He endures challenging diaper changes, Gertie's colic and the loss of his job, but they both soon learn that they are the most important thing in each others' lives—and that nothing can ever come between them.
