Spend more time with family
The countdown to the New Year has begun and you see your work deadlines creeping up on the calendar. It's natural to want to finish your work responsibilities as soon as possible but don't let it interrupt family time. Instead, try heading into the office earlier, rather than bring your work home with you. That way, you have more time at the end of the day for family and even holiday shopping.
Take a dip
After working 10-hour-days (to make up for the extra vacation time) you can feel yourself physically and mentally start to break down; your body begins to ache and your brain hurts. Get rid of these pains and make yourself sit in your local gym's spa or relax in your own hot tub.
Hot tubs and spas are a great way to escape from a hectic day – even if it's just for a half an hour. You will feel refreshed both physically and mentally in minutes.
Turn your hobby into a habit
Remember those days when you loved playing golf on the weekends? Or going out with your girlfriends to get your nails done? Well, turn that distant memory into a date for next week. Spending time doing the things you love will be a nice break from shopping for gifts and decorating the house for the holidays.
Do some exercise
There are a number of reasons as to why you should stay healthy and fit: it will help you lose weight, add years to your life and prevent colds during flu season. More importantly, going to the gym this holiday season will keep you sane.
Aerobic exercise and weightlifting produce endorphins, the "happy" chemicals in your body. These chemicals are much needed during holiday season when the stress tries to take over. Don't let it!
And don't worry; you don't have to run five miles to reach the "happy place." Instead, sign up for a Yoga class to relieve stress. Kundalini Yoga is a great way to relieve stress naturally.
Remember, the holidays are a time to look forward to, not dread. Follow these four tips and you'll be relaxed and ready to enjoy delicious food and time with family from the second you clock out.