英语听力汇总   |   万圣节派对





Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1
Holly: What a great haunted house idea---the Haunted Woods! Jack did a great job.
Alicia: Yes, I love it! And we have to take a golf cart!
Holly: Kinda spooky, huh? I hope nothing big jumps out at us.
Alicia: I wouldn't count on that. Brian said to expect the unexpected!
Holly: Well, it's definitely dark and creepy in here.
Alicia: Yeah, it's giving me the creeps. I keep seeing things moving out there behind the trees.
Brian: I heard that a prison escapee roams these woods!
Holly: Knock it off, Brian! You're just trying to get us screaming!
Brian: This isn't scary. But I bet you girls will scream if something jumps out!
Alicia: Brian! Something just moved up there in front of us!
Brian: Don't worry, Alicia, I'll protect you.
Holly: Keep your eyes on where you're going!
Brian: Ahh! A werewolf!

1. Alicia,Holly 和 Brian来到了他们的朋友Jack专门为万圣节布置好的鬼森林,就是Haunted Woods. haunted这个词表示“闹鬼的,鬼魂出没的,受到折磨的”,例如:They live in a haunted house. 他们住的房子闹鬼。这个次经常出现在恐怖电影里,在万圣节当然也是必不可少的了。
2. Jack布置的这个鬼森林看起来真的很恐怖,很有节日气氛,所以holly夸他He did a great job. 当你夸奖别人做的好时,就可以用这个句型,还可以说Good job! 或者You did a good job! Alicia也非常喜欢这个鬼森林,还要坐着高尔夫球车穿越森林。Holly觉得这个鬼森林有点恐怖,她说:Kinda spooky, I hope nothing big jumps out at us. 挺恐怖的吧,我希望没有什么庞然大物会朝我们跳过来。kinda,口语的说法,就是 kind of,有一点。spooky,幽灵般的, 怪异的, 神经质的。
3. Alicia可不敢说,I wouldn't count on that. count on something,这个词组,表示依靠...指望...比如说:You can count on me. 就表示“你可以相信我。” Brian说 to expect the unexpected! 等着看一些意外的事情,the unexpected,意外的事件。下面有出现了一个表示“可怕,恐怖”这个意思的词,creepy,表示“令人毛骨悚然的”。creep是它的名词形式,原意是“蹑手蹑脚”,也可以用来表示可怕,心惊肉跳。比如我们可以说 He gave me the creeps. 他吓得我心惊肉跳。
4. Alicia觉得很害怕,说她一直看到树后面有东西跑出来。Brian这时有添油加醋地说听说有个越狱的人在这片树林里游荡。a prison escapee,越狱的犯人,roam,漫无目的地四处游荡。Holly 被吓到了,赶忙让Brian闭嘴,她是这么说的,knock it off! 表示“住口,停下来”。只要有人发出令人讨厌的声音,说了讨厌的话,做了讨厌的动作,都可以说knock it off 来让对方停止。
5. Brian就是想吓唬吓唬那两个女生。这时Alicia看到有东西在他们前面晃来晃去的,up there in front of us,在我们正前方。Brian劝她不要担心,说会保护她的。Holly提醒Brian注意看路,keep you eyes on where you're going! keep one's eyes on something/someone,注意,监视某人某物。突然什么东西撞到了他们的高尔夫球车上,也吓了Brian一跳,原来是狼人,也就是werewolf。[page]

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2
Alicia: Wow! Holly! Your place is totally decked out for Halloween. It's cool!
Holly: That's because we're having a party here later tonight, squirt!
Alicia: Can I stay up?
Holly: We'll see! You'll probably be on a big sugar high anyway.
Alicia: Hee-hee! Yeah! I hope your neighbors give out good candy.
Holly: They will when they see what a scary witch you are. I love your fake nose and warts.
Alicia: Dad bought them for me. And these, too. They're my slimy plastic toads.
Holly: Ew! Uh, I think you should flash those at anyone who tries to give junk candy.
Alicia: Hah! This will be so much fun! This costume's much cooler than the pink ballerina costume mom made last year.
Holly: Yes, but you need a witch's laugh. Try this---Yihahaha!
Alicia: Or this "I'll get you, my pretty! Wahahaha!"
Holly: Sounds like you're a natural.

1. Alicia来到Holly家参加万圣节派对,还穿上了万圣节服装。万圣节的服装是Halloween Costume,记住了,而不是clothes。costume多表示在戏剧或化妆舞会上穿的比较正式的服装,而clothes常表示普通的衣物。
2. Alicia夸赞Holly的家很有万圣节的感觉。Your place is totally decked out for Halloween. deck out,装饰,布置,deck out for something,为了某种场合而布置。Alicia问可不可以晚上不睡玩通宵呢,Holly说We’ll see! 就是再看看,还不一定。stay up,很晚才睡,熬夜,例如:Don't stay up late and wait for me. 不用熬夜等我。
3. We'll see.有两种意思,第一个时指要晚一点再看情况决定。也就是再看看。那二个意思是等着瞧,例如:---Can I stay at Jenny's house this weekend? ---We'll see. ---我这个周末可以待在珍妮家吗?---看情况再说。---Is it going to be scary? ---We'll see. ---这会很可怕吗?---等着瞧吧。
4. You'll probably be on a big sugar high anyway. 也许你会因为糖吃的太多而变得很兴奋。sugar high,吃糖引起的兴奋,美国人常认为糖吃太多人会变得比较亢奋,当然睡不着觉了。Alicia开心的笑了起来,Hee-hee!是个拟声词,相当于我们的“嘻嘻!”。Alicia希望邻居能发一些好糖。I hope your neighbors give out good candy. give out,分发,发出。
5. Holly相信邻居们看到Alicia的服装后会给她不错的糖的。Alicia装扮成了一个女巫,就是witch,那男巫师就是wizard。这两个词在Harry Porter等电影里都多次出现过。Holly很喜欢她的假鼻子和痣。Alicia的爸爸还给她买了一些粘粘的塑胶蟾蜍,很恶心的那种,大概是女巫的宠物吧。Holly还建议她把这些秀给那些要拿垃圾糖果给你的人。flash something at someone,亮出,闪出什么东西给别人看。劣质的糖果,这里用的是junk candy。
6. Holly还教Alicia学女巫的笑声,结果Alicia比Holly笑的还像,Sounds like you're a natural. 听起来你是天生就会了。You’re a natural.表示是做某事的天生好手。这里natural是指“天生具有某种特殊才能的人”,所以当某人对某方面天生在行,就可以用这个句子来称赞对方。[page]

Dialogue Script 3 对话原文 3
Alicia: You know, I haven't heard from Jack before we went to the Haunted Woods.
Holly: Still no sign of Jack? Maybe he's at the Village Halloween Parade!
Alicia: I just wish he'd call.
Holly: Hey, take it easy! I think we throw a great party!
Alicia: Yes, you bet. The spaghetti and hard-boiled eggs grossed people out!
Holly: And the Jell-o. I though no one would fall for that any more.
Alicia: Give it up, Brian! I saw you coming a mile away! [to Holly] Hey, isn't that the werewolf from...
Werewolf: [Jumping over to Holly] Give me your heart, baby!
Brian: Hey, you stay away from her!
Jack: What's wrong with you, dude? You look like you just saw a ghost!
Brian: Oh, Jack! I though you were...I mean, how are you? Where've you been?
Jack: Yeah, it's been a crazy week. Some idiot ran me over at the Haunted Woods. He nearly broke my leg!
Brian: [Embarrassed] Oh, that's...terrible.


1. 对话中,Alicia很担心Jack, 因为在她们去鬼森林之前就没有见到她了,但是Jack却出现在Holly的party上。Still no sign of Jack? 还没有Jack的影子吗?Holly安慰Alicia说也许Jack去参加万圣节游行了。对话中提到了Village Halloween Parade全名是Greenwich Village Halloween Parade,Greenwich常被省略掉。格林威治村万圣节游行可以说是纽约市万圣节的重头戏,上万的市民和观光游客打扮成各式各样的人物,晚上7点在纽约第六大道上集合,接着开始游行,历时约两三个小时。
2. Alicia只是希望Jack能打电话来。Holly及时叉开了话题,I think we throw a great party! 我们办了场不错的派对!throw a party,办派对。Alicia非常同意,The spaghetti and hard-boiled eggs grossed people out!那些意大利面和煮的很老的蛋让大家快恶心死了。gross out,让人做呕。原来她们开的party是专门用来折磨客人的。 因为万圣节就是让人们尽情搞怪的节日。就像愚人节一样。她们做的搞怪食物还有Jell-o,果冻。Jell-o原来是一个果冻商标的名称,现在已经泛指“果冻”了。I though no one would fall for that any more. 我以为现在已经没有人会被这种东西骗了。看来这个果冻也不是什么好东西。fall for something,被某物欺骗,上…的当。
3. 这时Brian走过来想吓唬Alicia和Holly,但是却被Alicia识破了。Give it up, Brian! I saw you coming a mile away! 算了吧,Brian,我老远就看到你过来了。突然Alicia看见一个狼人走了过来,Brian冲出来大喊,Hey, you stay away from her! 嘿,你离她远一点,一副英雄救美的样子。
4. 原来狼人就是Jack装扮的。What's wrong with you, dude? You look like you just saw a ghost! 怎么了,老兄,你看起来像见到了鬼一样。dude, 在口语中常用,表示“家伙”,有贬义的色彩。Brian知道了原来狼人就是Jack,觉得很尴尬,原来在鬼森林里他差点撞断了狼人的腿。被Jack知道了,一定饶不了他。