英语听力汇总   |   澳大利亚国家馆日举行 精彩演绎澳大利亚文化





编辑点评:澳大利亚在世博会历史上多次以独特的创意给各国参观者留下深刻的印象。上海世博会澳大利亚馆风格独具, 颜色多变的铁红外墙、动态起伏的投影屏幕以及古老优美的传统文化表演……

The Australia Pavilion today celebrated its Pavilion Day with various performances at the Expo Center.

Quentin Bryce, Governor-General of Australia, said at this morning's celebration ceremony at the Expo Center that the 2010 World Expo gathers participants worldwide to showcase their innovation and promote cooperation and progress, and Australia is proud to be among them.

She said Australia values its bilateral ties with China and the cooperation is fruitful given the two nation's close investment and business exchange, sister cities' agreement and the friendly exchange among their peoples.

The Australia Pavilion was thrilled to welcome more than 1.5 million visitors to date, Bryce noted, welcoming more visitors to explore the stories of the nation. She added that she was happy to accompany six Australian inspirational women to Shanghai to meet their Chinese counterparts. The women were among the interviewees in "Sisters," a series of mini-documentaries featuring their common aspiration to contribute to a sustainable future and a better life.

"Sisters" is projected on screens which surround the visitors as they walk through the Australia Pavilion.

Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng said Australia has impressed visitors many times in the Expo's history with its creativity. The warm red ochre exterior of the pavilion, amazing projection screen and beautiful culture performance all display the country's natural beauty, energetic city life and diversified culture, he noted.

The display also shares the country's smart solutions in tackling problems in urbanization and improving people's life, according to Han.

He believed the ongoing Expo would provide new opportunities for the two nations to deepen cooperation and enhance friendship and understanding.

Zhou Hanmin, deputy director of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai Executive Committee, was the host of the ceremony.

A number of outstanding artists will perform at the Expo Center from 3:30pm to 5:30pm to celebrate the occasion. On the list are Mari spirit guide Sani Townson, who will perform contemporary and indigenous physical theatre and dance, the Song Company and William Barton, a didjeridu player and composer, the Qantas Choir, a children's choir, the Band of Brothers, crossover pop artist Kate Miller-Heidke, the Umbilical Brothers, who are specialized in physical and aural humor, contemporary pop singer Jessica Mauboy, singer Dan Sultan, Sydney Dance Company and classical violinist Niki Vassiliakis.

Themed "ImagiNation," the 4,800 square meter pavilion in Zone B features a red facade made from a special kind of temperature-sensitive steel that changes color as temperature and humidity change.

The pavilion is divided into three sections - "Journey," "Discover" and "Enjoy" - and they showcase many aspects of Australian life including its landscape, history, culture, technology and urban development.


昆廷•布赖斯表示,上海世博会汇聚了来自全球的参展方,共同展现各自的创造力, 促进合作进步, 澳大利亚为能在上海世博会上进行展示感到自豪。澳大利亚是一个年轻的国度, 但是拥有着一片古老的土地和土著文化, 澳大利亚馆为迄今累计接待超过150万人次的参观者感到激动不已, 欢迎更多的参观者来到澳大利亚馆,了解更多关于澳大利亚的故事。

韩正在致辞中说,澳大利亚在世博会历史上多次以独特的创意给各国参观者留下深刻的印象。上海世博会澳大利亚馆风格独具, 通过颜色多变的铁红外墙、动态起伏的投影屏幕以及古老优美的传统文化表演, 让人们充分感受到澳大利亚大陆的美好风光、充满活力的现代城市和多元共融的人文景观, 也让人们分享了澳大利亚解决城市问题、提高生活质量的智能方案, 相信上海世博会将成为增进中澳两国人民了解和友谊的平台。

据记载,澳大利亚在过去20多年间共参加过6届世博会,并在1880年和1988年先后主办过两届世博会。澳大利亚不仅是本届世博会启动建馆最早的 国家之一,也是该国参加世博会投资规模最大的一次,达8300万澳元。场馆主题为“畅想之洲”,吉祥物为笑翠鸟“鹏鹏”。馆内展览分“旅行”、“发现”、 “畅享”三个主题区,重点展示澳大利亚各大城市的风貌,以及关于尝试居住的智能解决方案。

澳大利亚小提琴大师尼基•瓦西拉基斯、澳洲航空儿童合唱团、澳大利亚歌唱家丹•桑顿和流行女歌手杰西卡•麦尔白等在上午的仪式上作了精彩演出。下 午,澳大利亚现代原生态舞蹈家桑尼•唐森、声乐六重奏演唱组歌乐坊和土著乐器迪吉里杜管演奏家威廉•巴顿,以及悉尼舞蹈团等艺术团体和艺术家汇聚世博中心 红厅, 通过不同的音乐元素,让全场观众享受了一场瑰丽多元的澳洲文化和艺术盛宴。