英语听力汇总   |   反愚妙招系列之二





How to Avoid Being Fooled on April Fool's Day?



Many people enjoy a good April Fool's Day joke, but if you don't like being fooled, it's probably not your favorite holiday. There are some things you can do to avoid being fooled on April Fool's Day, however. Stay on your guard at all times and follow these tips.



Step 1策略一

Remember what day it is at all times. Think about it when you get up, while you eat breakfast, as you're driving and throughout your daily activities. You won't be caught off guard by simply failing to remember that it's April Fool's Day.



Step 2策略二

Take the time to think about everything someone says to you. Analyze the probability of truthfulness in each statement and don't respond until you know whether or not it is true.



Step 3策略三

Avoid conversations that begin with someone saying to you, "Guess what!" or "Check this out!" On April Fool's Day, there is a high probability that these are traps to get you to fall for a prank or believe a false statement. Instead of responding, just say, "No thanks," and walk away.



Step 4 策略四

Remain in familiar territory. Don't do anything outside of your normal routine when you are around others on April Fool's Day. Once you're doing something unfamiliar, it is easy to let your guard down and you'll be more vulnerable to being fooled.



Step 5 策略五

Resist the urge to play pranks on others. If you don't want to be fooled yourself, don't give others a reason to retaliate by pulling pranks on you. If you don't want to be fooled you'll have to stay as unnoticed as possible.



Step 6 策略六

Stay home and avoid contact with others if all else fails. Don't answer the door of phone if someone calls and stay off the Internet and away from email. If you completely avoid people for the day, there's no way you can be fooled.
