How to Make Valentine's Day Romantic?
Make your day full of passion and excitement. Let her feel the warmth and create a romantic and most memorable valentines day. Following are few creative ways to express your love.
• Give your lover a dozen of red roses. 送你爱人一打玫瑰花。
• Prepare a romantic meal for your loved one.
• 为你的爱人准备一顿浪漫的饭菜。
• Start your day by complementing him/her on a piece of paper and put it beside the pillow.
• 你的一天以一张字条开始,然后把纸放在枕头旁边。
• When your mate is in shower, take the towel and dry his wet body. It is a way to make all the old memories alive.
• 当你的伴侣在洗澡时,拿毛巾给他擦干身子。这是使以前的记忆变得鲜活的方式。
• Hold hands of your partner in public and announce your love.
• 在公共场所拉着伴侣的手,宣布你们的爱情。
• Make a copy of your wedding photo, put it in a special frame and write the words, "I love you more today than yesterday,"
• 洗一张你的结婚照片,把它放在一个特殊的相框里然后写下这句话’今天我会比昨天爱你多一点,对你的爱与日俱增。
• Spend as much time possible together and tell all your love secrets.
• 花尽可能多的时间在一起,然后告诉对方你所有的爱情秘密。
• Dedicate a song to him/her on the radio and send him/her an email telling him when to listen.
• 给她在广播里点首歌,然后发邮件告诉他何时收听。
• Look at you beloved when he/she is engaged in doing some work. The continuous look of yours directly touches the soul and make them feel special.
• 当爱人做一些工作的时候注视着他或她。你的持续不断的目光会直击心灵和使他们感觉到特殊的情感。
• Make a card by your own and compose a poem that expresses your love life.
• 自己制作一张卡片并创作一首能够表达你的爱情生活的诗。
• Create a scrapbook with favorite photographs, love letters and other cherished moments.
• 把你最喜欢的照片,情书和其它宝贵的时刻创建一个剪贴簙。
• Prepare your loved one’s favorite dinner and serve it on a romantically set table and dine by candlelight.
• 为你所爱的人准备一顿丰盛的饭菜,浪漫的烛光晚餐。
• If you want to propose at home, sprinkle rose petals around the house. Place heart-shaped candles around your home to create the right mood.
• 如果你计划呆在家里,把房间周围洒满玫瑰花瓣。把房间周围放上心形花篮制造愉快的心情。
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