蒋炎富 姜露茜 陈鹏
摘 要:词汇是表达的基础。词汇学习是培养学生阅读与表达能力的重要途径之一,也是教师教学的必要内容。但是,从目前的高中英语词汇教学现状来看,词汇教学容易被忽略,或者策略单一,仅仅停留在让学生记忆背诵、单词的中英互译检测等层面。学生花了很长时间记忆单词,但在交流、表达时依然会出现词汇匮乏或运用不当的问题。本文以促进学生词汇深度学习和迁移运用为目标,结合笔者自身的教学实践经验,通过创设情境和联想创作的词汇教学策略,对如何提高高中英语词汇教学的有效性进行相关的研究,旨在为一线教师进行词汇教学时提供可参考的途径和方法。
著名语言学家David Wilkins(1972)认为,没有语法,只能传达很少的信息;没有词汇,则什么都无法传达(… without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed)。由此可见词汇在语言交际中的重要性。然而,在中学英语教学中,词汇是教师和学生公认的较难攻克的部分,“高耗时低效率”的词汇问题是阻碍中学英语词汇教学顺利开展的绊脚石之一。因此,如何有效进行词汇教学一直是一线英语教师感到困扰的问题,教师对词汇教学的理解也呈现出一些问题与偏差。
1.词族漫游(Word wanders with family)
本案例基于北师大版高中《英语》(2019年版)必修一Unit 3 Celebrations展開单元整体词汇教学。该单元围绕“文化习俗与传统节日”话题展开,属于“人与社会”主题,以不同形式的语篇展示了中西方节日及重要场合的庆典。教师希望学生能够结合实际生活,实现基于主题的情境创设,描述关于春节等庆典的经历和感受,以及超越主题的迁移运用。案例中,学生应当挖掘单词间的联系,了解词汇的词根、词缀,掌握词性变化规律,形成单词记忆链条,并自主创设情境使用词汇,提高语言运用能力。
Step 1:学生尽可能多地依次罗列并说出本单元某个词汇的词族。
Step 2:学生自行选择具有丰富词族的词汇,并进行基于主题和超越主题的情境创作。
A famous TV presenter was invited to attend the Water-Splashing Festival, which he always looked forward to. As the festival was around the corner, he expected to experience the festival so much that he went to the square early with great expectation. Unexpectedly, there was no one there except a few passers-by. All of a sudden, a large crowd of local people appeared with buckets of water from different directions. The celebration started! He enjoyed himself, with an expectant look on his face, and expressed the wish to join such a festival again!
At present, there is an increasing number of people who have realized that nature is the best present that humans have been presented with. To solve the present environmental problems and enjoy a greener living, everybody is supposed to be present to do his / her part, and prizes have been presented to those who have made outstanding contributions to environmental protection. As one representative who was present at the award ceremony, Jim made a brilliant presentation and presented his concerns about environmental issues as well as his contributions to build a better environment, and he said, “The present effort to improve the environment is the best gift for the next generations.”
2.图文创作(Picture the words)
本案例选用的教学内容是北师大版高中《英语》(2019年版)必修二Unit 6 The Admirable,单元话题是“对社会有特殊贡献的人物”,属于“人与社会”主题。案例中,教师引导学生将图片与单元词汇关联,进行图文转码,培养学生的创新学习能力。(3)情境创设与联想创作
Step 1:教师展示与该单元主题相关和显性无关的图片。
Step 2:学生看图列出可描述该图片情境的单元词汇。
Step 3:口头创作主题意义下的和超越主题的情境叙事或说明。
Chairman Mao is renowned at home and abroad. We all admire him for his wisdom and bravery, who has won the respect of the whole nation. He is a great man of energy and has committed himself to fighting for the happiness of the people. He is regarded as “the great savior of Chinese people”. His remarkable contributions to the whole country will always inspire us to continue the mission of building a more prosperous China.
例2:学生基于仰望星空的图片(见图1),联想到本单元词汇strike、the other day、come across、recognition、honor、gain、further、stage、establish、effective、potential、in spite of、integrate、promising、eventually、advance等,下面是學生创作的作品(超越主题):
It struck me that I need to go out for a walk the other day. As it happened, I came across another guy who was appreciating the amazing night sky, and we talked a lot about the recognition and honor that we each had gained and the further pursuit. And we both agreed that at different stages of life, its important to “look up to the stars”and establish ones dream, and it also matters to “look down to the earth” and take effective measures to solve tons of potential problems in spite of various difficulties. Only by integrating doing and dreaming, can we have a promising future and eventually make new advances.
3.双圈分享(Circle the ideas)
本案例是基于北师大版高中《英语》(2019年版)必修一Unit 1 Life Choices的单元整体词汇教学。该单元围绕“人生选择”的话题展开,属于“人与自我”主题,以不同形式的语篇展示了多样的人生选择,引导学生反思自己的生活方式和未来人生发展的选择。本课的教学目标是学生能够灵活运用不同词性的单元词汇进行主题内外的表达,结合不同词性生词的情境创设与联想创作加深学生对句子成分和结构的理解和运用。
Step 1:学生课前按照词性自主进行单元词汇的分类。
副词:unfortunately、definitely、actually、ahead、downtown、entirely、 absolutely、thus、independently、beside等;
短语:tend to do sth.、get ahead、suffer from、to be frank、due to、in other words、graduate from、adapt to等。
Step 2:课上,学生按照内外圈形式对应组合。
Step 3:教师随机分发词汇条,其中包含一个名词、一个动词、一个形容词、一个副词和一个短语。
Step 4:基于所提供词汇,内外圈学生分别进行主题内外的口头创作和分享。
例如,内圈学生1被提供的是stress、remove、senior、absolutely、adapt to,外圈学生1被提供的是confidence、addict、various、unfortunately、to be frank。
内圈同学1:As a new senior high school student, I feel so stressed because I have come to a challenging new situation. And the life in senior high school is absolutely different from it in junior high school. There are a lot of group discussions in class and different clubs we can attend after class. In order to remove my stress and adapt to the new situation, I have to set a clear goal for myself and try my best step by step.
外圈同学1:To be frank, I am addicted to my cellphone because there are various apps in it. With the development of technology, countless apps have been invented for different purposes. For example, Keep is an app for exercise which I can use to get into shape and develop my confidence. Unfortunately, every time I plan to use Keep, I will be attracted by other apps and spent a lot of time on them.
4.故事接龙(Relay the stories)
本案例是基于北师大版《英语》(2019年版)选择性必修二Unit 4 Humour的单元整体词汇教学。该单元围绕“幽默”话题展开,话题从属于“人与社会”主题中的“社会服务与人际沟通”,通过内容丰富、形式多样的语篇,引导学生赏析幽默故事,深入了解喜剧演员,从而了解幽默的作用和影响。本案例的教学目标是学生能够结合本单元主题意义下的目标词汇编出短小精悍、逻辑清晰的幽默故事或其他类型故事。(3)情境创设与联想创作
Step 1:全班分为两大组,两大组下学生再以四人为单位组成小组。
Step 2:第一大组学生结合单元词汇,完成幽默故事的接龙;第二大组学生完成其他类型故事的接龙。
学生1:A boy, in a good mood and energised, was playing football in the street. He played it so quickly that the ball flew straight into a house. Unfortunately, the window of that house was broken.
学生2:The boy, embarrassed and terrified, ran away because unfortunately a woman came to the window with the ball in her hands and shouted at him angrily.
學生3:Even though the boy was embarrassed and afraid, he didnt go home and still wanted to get his ball back potentially.
学生4:To make it potential, he knocked at the door with tension. When the woman opened the door, the boy said,“Sorry, my father will come to mend your window very soon. Can I have my ball?”
学生1:“Well,” said the woman. She gave him the ball to ease his tension. Afterwards, a man came to the door with a bag.
学生2:The man mended the window and afterwards gave a bill to the woman who was confused.
学生3:“But arent you the father of the boy?” the woman was astonished and asked. The man was also confused and said, “No, are you his mother?”
学生5:Last summer, our family members travelled together in boat to enhance our well-being. Unfortunately, the weather got bad. The gale made the ship turn over.
学生6:Without well-being, the unbalanced ship made us dizzy and terrified. The strong wind was continuing and many people fell into the sea.
学生7:We consumed a lot of food and did not have enough to support all of us, which terrified us so much. At that time, we were facing to choose who would survive.
学生8:In order to give the chance to my children, my wife and I chose to jump into the sea without consuming the food and water which were really needed in that situation. In this way, most peoples anxiety and tension could be reduced.
学生5:I thought we would die, but we still did not give up life. Accidentally, we encountered something big which we thought were sharks, but dolphins actually. Dolphins were so friendly that we decreased our tension and knew we could survive because of their help.
Bruner, J. 1960. The Process of Education[M]. Boston: Harvard University Press.
Wilkins, D. 1972. Linguistics in Language Teaching[M]. London: Edward Arnold.
成丽媛. 2014. 情境教学法在高中英语词汇教学中有效运用的研究[D].湖北: 华中师范大学.
教育部. 2018. 普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)[S]. 北京: 人民教育出版社.
教育部考试中心. 2019. 中国高考评价体系[S]. 北京: 人民教育出版社.