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  : how about going to the Olympic souvenir store to have a look? I remember there is one in the gym.

  S: that's a good idea. I was thinking of buying some gifts for my family.

  J: me, too. What did you have in mind?

  S: I haven't deceided yet, but I think the Olympic Mascots are a must.

  J: I agree. They're very lovely, especially "Huan Huan".

  S: is that the red one? That is my favorite, too. Do you know how much they are?

  J: the five dolls are sold together as a set, and they're priced according to the size. The bigger they are the more expensive.

  S: oh, I see. If I buy more than a set, can I get any discount?

  J: I don't think so. All the souvenirs of the Olympic Games are very hot now.

  S: any other ideas?

  J: there are lots of things, such as postcards, key chains, posters and various arts and crafts.

  S: it all sounds great. We can go there after the match. I can't wait to see what they have.


  M: oh, it is really far from here. You’re going in the wrong directionactually.

  C: I must have taken a wrong turn.

  M: it doesn’t matter. Go back the way you came. After about five kilometers, you’ll see a hotel on the side of the road. It’s a big one. You can’t miss it.

  C: and then?

  M: take the next right. Drive about one click further, and you’ll see the entrance of the highway to the Great Wall.

  C: thanks a lot.

  M: you’re welcome.

  C: by the way, how long does it take?

  M: without traffic, it takes about an hour.

  C: I heard the Great Wall closes early in the afternoon. Do you think I can make it before closing?  M: yes, I think so. It doesn’t close until 5 o’clock. You still have plenty of time.

  C: great! Thank you!

  M: my pleasure, and have a good time!


  M: are you kidding? The train leaves in an hour. Where did you put it?

  C: it was in my pocket, but now I can’t find it.

  M: is it in the other pocket?

  C: no, it is not here. Damn it! I’m going to have to buy another ticket.

  M: let’s go to the inquiry desk first to check whether anyone has got it and turned it in.

  C: ok.

  I: how may I help you, sir?

  C: I’m wondering if anyone has turned in a train ticket. I just lost my ticket for Beijing tonight.  I: let me see… I’m sorry. Nothing’s been turned in. Do you want to buy another one?

  C: yes. If I don’t make it to Beijing tomorrow morning, my wife would kill me. How mucu is it?  I: 150 yuan for hard seats.

  C: Fine.

  I: …Sir?

  C: where is my wallet? Someone has stolen my wallet!


  J: no idea. We've enjoyed both the natural scenery and the city sights. What else is there to see?  M: what about a factory tour?

  J: you mean visit a factory?

  M: yes. I heard there's a lager motor company nearby whick open to the public every weekend. We can go to see how a car is manufactured and learn more about the automobile industry.

  J: good idea! I've always been interested in that. How much is the entrance fee?

  M: I'm not sure, but as far as I know, most factory tours are free. They are sponsored by the company providing the tour.

  J: really? What do the companies do that for?

  M: I believe most of them think of it as good public relations. They can promote their product and make their company better-known.

  J: oh, isee. So factory tours are good for companies as well as visitors.

  M: exactly.

  J: do we need an appointment beforehand?

  M: I'll call the tourist information centre to check.


  C:I could go for that. But I'm afraid our budget is a little tight this year.

  T:oh, but I really need to leave this town for a change. Working day after day has worn me out. Do you have any other suggestions?

  C:we should probably think about going somewhere that isn't too far away. How about the countryside? There must be many interesting places, and we could enjoy the fresh air and the delicious local specialties.

  T:wonderful! I think that's a great idea. How soon until we can make this happen? I can't wait!  C: tomorrow I have an appointment with my dentist. What about next Monday?

  T: perfect. I'll start preparing tomorrow. If we're going to drive, I'll need to fill up the tank.

  C: no need. I think it's still plenty full. Even so, I'd rather travel by bus or train. It would cost much less than driving. Oil prices are soaring nowadays, you know.

  T: we can take the train, that will be faster. I'll book the tickets tomorrow morning.

  C: great! Oh, one more thing, don't forget to check the weather before we go. I'd hate to get caught in the rain.

  T: no problem. I'm really looking forward to the coming week.

  C: Me, too. Now let's make a list for what we need to take with us.
