Good morning. This is Room reservation. May I help you?早上好,客房预订处,我能为您做什么?What kind of room would you like to reserve?您想订哪种类型的房间?A single room or a double room?要单人间还是双人房间?For which dates do you want to book the rooms?您想订哪几天的房间呢?What time will you be arriving?您将在何时到达?May I know your name?您能告诉我您的名字吗?How long will you be staying?您将要住多久?I’d like to confirm your reservation。我要确认一下您的预订。I’ll check the room availability。我查查客房预订情况。You should pay a deposit of US$1000 beforehand。您应预期付1000美元的定金。There is a 10 per cent discount。10%的折扣。What kind of room would you be prefer?您要什么样的房间?Have you got a booking?您预订了吗?We’ll extend your reservation for you。我们将会按您的要求作相应的更改。We wish you a pleasant stay in our hotel。愿您在我们饭店过得愉快!Please don’t leave anything behind。请不要遗忘你的东西。Mind (or watch) your step!请走好!We wish you a pleasant journey。祝您旅途愉快!Have a nice trip!一路平安!Thank you for coming。谢谢您的光临。Thank you for staying in our hotel。感谢您在我们饭店下榻。
I’m very grateful to you。非常感谢您。It’s very kind of you。谢谢,您真客气。You are (most) welcome。不用谢,不用客气。Not at all。不用谢。Don’t mention it。不用谢。My pleasure.(or with pleasure)。很高兴能为您服务。Glad to be of service。很高兴为您服务。At your service。乐意为您效劳。I’m sorry。很抱歉。Excuse me。对不起。I’m terribly sorry. It’s my fault。非常抱歉,那是我的过错。I’m awfully sorry for my carelessness。对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。Sorry to have kept you waiting。对不起,让您久等了。Sorry to interrupt you。对不起,打扰了。That’s all right。这没什么。Never mind。不要紧,没关系。Let’s forget it。算了吧!What can I do for you?我能为您干点什么?Can I help you?我能为您干点什么?Is there anything I can do for you?有什么能为您效劳的吗?Just a moment, please。请稍等一下。I’ll switch you to Room 1120。我马上给您接301房间。What number are you calling?请问对方什么电话号码。Who would you like to talk to?请问受话人姓名?Could you hold the line, please?请(拿着话筒)稍等一会好吗?My hearty congratulations!衷心祝贺您!As you wish(or like)随您的便。Certainly。/Of course。当然可以。当然可以。Please don’t smoke here。请不要在这里抽烟。想了解更多酒店英语词语的可以上听力课堂了解咨询一下。