英语听力汇总   |   英语翻译的几个技巧和培养(下)





第七:根据不同场合,英语的表达有庄重(formal) 与随意(informal) 之分。比如“禁止吸烟”(No Smoking)、“请勿吸烟”(Thank you for not smoking) 和“为了您和他人的健康,请勿在此吸烟”(For hygiene’s sake, please refrain yourself from smoking in this room.)下面两组例子中都各包含有formal- normal - informal 三种文体风格(style):

Please await instructions before dispatching items.

Please wait for instructions before sending items off.

Don’t send anything off until you’re told to do so.

Essential measures should be undertaken at the earliest opportunity.

One should undertake any necessary measures at the earliest opportunity.

You should do whatever you have to as soon as you can.

第八:要注意各行各业的不同术语的选择。比如我们要把“专业签证人员”翻译成英语,那么我们就要按照外交用语的习惯把它翻译为visa officers,而不应该照字面上翻译成specialized visa personnel。“安居工程” 的英译不是housing project for low-income urban residents,而应该按照社会经济用语的习惯翻译为the Affordable Housing Program; “信息化”的英译不是informatization 或informationization,而应该按照高科技行业习惯翻译为the spreading / sweeping information explosion / the information explosion process / trend; “外资企业”的英译不是overseas-funded enterprises,而应该按照外贸行业习惯翻译为enterprises with foreign investment / enterprises with foreign elements;再比如,高速公路上的警示语“请勿疲劳驾驶,”翻译成英语不是Don’t drive tiredly,按照交通法规术语应该翻译为Drowsy driving is dangerous 或Drive alert, arrive alive。

第九:注意汉语和英语之间的文化差异。把“相声”翻译成英语不能只是翻译其形式,还要翻译其内涵。翻译成cross talk 外国人不明白;不如翻译为comic dialogue 更好懂。再如,假设我们要把“以外贸为龙头”翻译成英语,能不能直接翻译为with foreign trade as the dragon head呢?这样翻译是很难让外国人明白的,因为“以……为龙头”这个说法是源自耍龙灯的习俗,而多数外国人不一定熟悉中国人的这一习俗。为了取得好的翻译效果,最好是用能够跨越文化障碍的表达方法,如“火车头”或“旗舰”:with foreign trade as the locomotive / flagship。

但是不能机械地对待一切类似的翻译问题,我们的头脑里应该有一点辩证法。比如汉语的“鱼米之乡”(land of fish and rice),在英语里有一个类似的说法land of milk and honey,但由于land of fish and rice 外国人也能理解,不会造成跨化交流的障碍,所以我们可以采用land of fish and rice的说法,以保留一点中国的特色。


It’s sunny in the east but in the west it’s raining hard.

Whether rain or sunshine, he’s the sunshine in my heart.

再如,“这种鞋油为您足下增光”中的“足下”也是个双关语,翻译的时候也必须把两层意思都表达出来:This shoe shine shines your shoes and you look great.

第十一:有时候,比如翻译诗句,光翻译字面上的意思是不够的,还必须把字里行间的深度、力量和美感表达出来。例如,朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨:不是 Wines and meats become rotten in the mansions; Dead bones become rotten at the doors of them, 而是:In the mansions, rolling luxury allows wine and meat to go rotten away;On the streets, grinding poverty causes dead bodies to freeze and decay.

第十二:汉语和英语在语法语序和句子结构上都有很大的差别。因此,在进行中译英的时候必须要考虑到这些方面的变化。例如,改革开放开放取得了巨大的成就:不是The economic reform and the opening-up have made great achievements. 而是把“巨大的成就”当作主语,把主动语态变成被动语态:Great achievements have been made in the economic reform and in our efforts to open-up China to the outside world.
