南方口音(Southern Accents)
1.Four Weddings and a Funeral《四个婚礼和一个葬礼》
The archetype Hugh Grant romance.Four Weddings made British romantic comedies a massive international success.The robust cast represent the classy,well-spoken members of British society.It also contains some American, for a little contrast.
2.Love Actually《真爱至上》
Continuing the Four Weddings vibe,Love Actually is an ensemble film - meaning it has a vast range of characters. Contains various English accents and some well-spoken Irish (from Liam Neeson).
3.Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels《两杆大烟枪》
The opposite extreme to Four Weddings,the film that started a modern movement of British gangster comedies, Lock Stock… has a range of horrible people talking in a range of dirty London accents. Plus two from Liverpool.
Midlands and the North Accents中北部口音
4. The Full Monty《一脱到底》
Dealing with the depressed industrial communities,The Full Monty is both a charming comedy and an effective portrait of 80s'Sheffield。
5.This is England《这就是英格兰》
Another gritty look at 80s England,this film has a mix of midlands accents and one very strong Liverpool accent. Shane Meadows'other films contain further midlands accents,Dead Man's Shoes is a particularly good dark comedy.
另一个关于80年代的英国值得一看的电影,它里面混杂着各种中部地区口音和一个很浓的利物浦口音。 西恩·迈德斯的其他电影包含更多的中部地区口音,《死人的鞋子》就是一部非常棒的黑色喜剧。
6. 24 Hour Party People《24小时派对狂》
A history lesson in music,24 Hour Party People charts the success of the Manchester music scene in the 70s. Steve Coogan, the star,may not be entirely representative of Northern accents,but the supporting cast certainly are.
Scottish Accents苏格兰口音
Again the lead's not Scottish,but the fine supporting cast are, and it's an epic historical tale. Aside from watching it for the Scottish,it's worth watching for Patrick McGoohan as the wicked king of England.
8. Trainspotting《猜火车》
Madcap,brutal and good fun, Trainspotting will really test your ability to understand the Scottish accent.For something a little softer,you might consider other films starring Ewan McGregor,where he's allowed to use his own accent.Like A Life Less Ordinary.
Irish Accents爱尔兰口音
9. In Bruges《杀手没有假期》
Solid Irish accents from the two leads,and a London accent from Ralph Fiennes as a bonus. And a great, quirky film.