英语听力汇总   |   英语学习:哪种学习搭档最适合你?





5 Traits of a Great Study Partner


1. Takes notes: Any study partner worth his or her salt is taking good notes in class. Bonus? If he or she is taking notes, then you have a back-up if you"re out sick.


2. Participates in class: Choosing a study partner who gets his or her hand up when the teacher asks a question is smart on your end because it means he or she probably knows the answers. That"s good news, especially if you"re stuck on question 23.


3.Gets a good grade: It seems obvious, but you don"t want to study with the kid drooling on the map of Siberia in the textbook during lectures. Choose a study partner who is making your grade or higher.


4. Has a complimentary learning style: Not all types of learners will work well together. Are you a thinker and need quiet time to process things? You probably shouldn"t choose a kinesthetic learner - someone who needs to be moving to learn. Choose someone who learns like you do for the most success.


5. Is open and friendly: If your mom is continually crabby, then she"s not a good study partner, despite her attempts. Choose someone who won"t cut you down if you answer incorrectly, and won"t berate you if you"re 1 minute late.


5 Traits of a Lousy Study Partner


1. Is distracting: Your best friend is probably wonderful. Your boyfriend, I"m sure, is a dream. However, they may not make the best study partners for you because of the distraction aspect. If you end up making out or scrolling through Facebook giggling at your friends" comments, then you"re not doing your job – prepping for this test! Get rid of the distractions and meet up with them afterward.


2. Gets lousy grades: Altruism has its place, and tutoring another person is a wonderful thing to do, especially when someone really needs the help. When you’re choosing a study partner, though, your goal is to find someone to help you learn more, and this isn’t the time to choose someone who’s failing the class. Tutor another time, and make sure you’re helping yourself, too.

成绩差: 利他主义也是分场合的,帮助他人,尤其是真正需要帮助的人是一件很棒的事。当你选择一个学习搭档的时候,你的目的是找一个人帮你学到更多的知识,而不是选择一个成绩糟糕的人。帮助他人就留在下次,你要保证自己也要得到帮助。

3. Is unmotivated: Stay away from people who hate to study. You’ll spend half your study time prodding them to get the job done, and will waste precious study minutes.


4. Is unprepared: You should not be the only person showing up with notes, your textbook, and the review sheet. Avoid choosing a study partner who is looking to get an easy A from your hard work.


5. Criticizes you: There’s always a know-it-allin every class, and even if that person is earning a 4.0 GPA, he or she may not make the best study partner if a critical mouth goes along with those brains. You can’t do your best if you’re just struggling to maintain your self-esteem. Choose a study partner who will value your input.
