It was uttered by the Buddha's disciple Assaji. (Assaji, meaning "Victory of Horse", was one of the first five Bhikkhus.) One day, when Bhikkhu Assaji was begging with his alms-bowl, he ran into Sāriputta, the great Brahmanic scholar. The latter was attracted by his venerable countenance which was out of the common run, so he inquired of Assaji who was his teacher and what doctrine he was professing. Thereupon, Bhikkhu Assaji uttered this Gāthā. Sāriputta was delighted to hear this and went to tell Moggallāna on his return. Then both of them became followers of the Buddha. There are several Chinese translations of this Gāthā. "My teacher, the great Samaṇa" refers to Sākyamuni. In general, Samaṇa may be simply rendered as ascetics (or mendicant friars) who renounced the family life. At that time, all ascetics regardless of religious sects (except in Brahmanism) were called samaṇas.