Having tried in vain to persuade him to return, his father chose five men from his clan to accompany him. They were Kauṇḍinya, Bhadrika, Vāṣpa, Mahānāma, and AŚvajit (P. Koṇḍañña, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahānāma, Assaji). Prince Siddhattha and his followers successively paid visits to three famous scholars and learned from them, but none of them could satisfy his quest. When he realized that no real path of deliverance (or absolution) was to be found in the philosophical thought of that time, he left for a forest on the banks of the Nerañjarā river, now the Lilaian, and lived there with other ascetics. In his search for emancipation, he went through suffering and pain for six years. However, since it proved fruitless, he began to understand that austerities were to no avail. So he went to take a bath in the Nerañjarā River, cleaning off all the dirt of six years. Then, after accepting the milk gruel offered by a herdswoman, his strength was restored afresh. When his five followers saw this, they thought he had abandoned his faith and spiritual efforts, so they left him for Benares City (P. Bārāṇasī) to continue their ascetic practices. The Prince then went alone to a Pippala tree and made a seat with auspicious grass (kuśa) under the tree. Sitting down with his legs crossed and facing the east he vowed, "Now should I fail to attain supreme enlightenment, I would rather have my body decompose than rise from this seat." In such a manner, he commenced meditating on absolution, and finally one night defeated the moral affliction and Māra's temptations (kilesa and Māra), achieved complete enlightenment, thereby becoming a Buddha.
他父亲曾尽力劝他回去无效,只好在亲族中选派五个人随从他一起,这五个人的名字是:憍陈如(Kauṇḍinya, P. Koṇḍañña),跋堤(Bhadrika, P. Bhaddiya),跋波(Vāṣpa, P. Vappa),摩诃男(Mahānāma, P. Mahānāma),阿说示(AŚvajit, P. Assaji)。悉达多王子和他的侍者们先后寻访当时三个有名的学者,从他们学道,但都不能满足他的要求。于是他知道当时哲学思想中没有真正解脱之法,便离开了他们,走到尼连禅河(Nairañjanā,P:Nerañjarā,现在叫做Lilaian)岸边的树林中,和那里的苦行人(极端刻苦修行的人)在一起。为了寻求解脱,他尝够了艰苦辛酸,坚持不懈,经历六年之久。但是结果徒劳无功,方才悟到苦行是无益的。他于是走到尼连禅河里去沐浴,洗去了六年的积垢,随后受了一个牧女供养的牛奶,恢复了气力。当时随从他的五个人见到他的情景,以为他放弃了信心和努力,便离开了他,前往波罗奈城(Benares)去继续他们的苦行。王子于是一个人走到一棵毕钵罗(Pippala)树下,铺上了吉祥草,向着东方盘腿坐着,发誓说:“我今如不证到无上大觉,宁可让此身粉碎,终不起此座。” 他便这样在树下思维解脱之道,终于在一个夜里,战胜了最后的烦恼魔障,获得了彻底觉悟而成了佛陀。