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I called up the program director to tell him I was ready to return. He was thrilled. Victoria and I talked about how best to reintroduce me and get me back up to speed. I requested that a fellow resident be available to back me up at all times in case something went awry. Furthermore, I would do only one case per day. I wouldn’t manage the patients outside the OR or be on call. We’d proceed conservatively. The OR schedule came out, and I was assigned to a temporal lobectomy, one of my favorite operations. Commonly, epilepsy is caused by a misfiring hippocampus, which is located deep in the temporal lobe. Removing the hippocampus can cure the epilepsy, but the operation is complex, requiring gentle dissection of the hippocampus off the pia, the delicate transparent covering of the brain, right near the brain stem.

I spent the night prior poring through surgical text-books, reviewing the anatomy and steps of the operation. I slept restlessly, seeing the angle of the head, the saw against the skull, the way the light reflects off the pia once the temporal lobe is removed. I got out of bed and put on a shirt and tie. (I had returned all my scrubs months ago, assuming I’d never need them again.) I arrived at the hospital and changed into the familiar blue garb for the first time in eighteen weeks. I chatted with the patient to make sure there were no lastminute questions, then began the process of setting up the OR. The patient was intubated, the attending and I were scrubbed and ready to begin. I picked up the scalpel and incised the skin just above the ear, proceeding slowly, trying to make sure I forgot nothing and made no mistakes. With the electrocautery, I deepened the incision to the bone, then elevated the skin flap with hooks. Everything felt familiar, muscle memory kicking in. I took the drill and made three holes in the skull. The attending squirted water to keep the drill cool as I worked. Switching to the craniotome, a sideways-cutting drill bit, I connected the holes, freeing up a large piece of bone. With a crack, I pried it off. There lay the silvery dura. Happily, I hadn’t damaged it with the drill, a common beginner’s mistake. I used a sharp knife to open the dura without injuring the brain. Success again. I began to relax. I tacked back the dura with small stitches to keep it out of the way of the main surgery. The brain gently pulsed and glistened. The huge Sylvian veins ran across the top of the temporal lobe, pristine. The familiar peach convolutions of the brain beckoned.

Suddenly, the edges of my vision dimmed. I put down my instruments and stepped back from the table. The blackness encroached farther as a feeling of lightness overcame me.

“Sorry, sir,” I told the attending, “I’m feeling a little faint. I think I need to lie down. Jack, my junior resident, will finish the case.”

Jack arrived quickly, and I excused myself. I sipped some orange juice in the lounge, lying on the couch. After twenty minutes, I began to feel better. “Neurocar-diogenic syncope,” I whispered to myself. The auto-nomic nervous system briefly shutting down the heart. Or, as it’s more commonly known, a case of the nerves. A rookie problem. This was not how I’d envisioned my return to the OR. I went to the locker room, threw my dirty scrubs in the laundry, and put on my civilian clothes. On the way out, I grabbed a stack of clean scrubs. Tomorrow, I told myself, would be a better day.

It was. Every day, each case felt familiar but moved a little more slowly. On day three, I was removing a degenerated disc from a patient’s spine. I stared at the bulging disc, not remembering my exact move. The fellow supervising me suggested taking small bites with a rongeur.

“Yeah, I know that’s how it’s usually done,” I mumbled, “but there’s another way. . . ”

I nibbled away for twenty minutes, my brain searching for the more elegant way I had learned to do this. At the next spinal level, it came back to me in a flash.

“Cobb instrument!” I called out. “Mallet. Kerrison.”

I had the whole disc removed in thirty seconds.

“That’s how I do this,” I said.