英语听力汇总   |   读点好英文:The Sorrows of Young Werther 少年维特的烦恼





The Sorrows of Young Werther 少年维特的烦恼

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Why do I not write to you? And you, a learned man, ask me this? You should be clever enough to guess that I am in a happy mood because in a word I have made an acquaintance who moves my heart in a strange way. I have... I do not know.

It is not easy for me to tell you, in chronological order just how it happened, how I met such a lovely being. I am contented and happy, and therefore not a good historian.

An angel! Nonsense! Everyone calls his loved one thus, does he not? And yet I cannot describe to you how perfect she is, or why she is so perfect; enough to say that she has captured me completely.

So much innocence combined with so much intelligence; such kindness with such firmness; such inner serenity in such an active life.

But all this is foolish talk pure abstract words which fail to describe one single feature of her real person. Another time no, not another time, right at this moment will tell you everything. If I do not do it now, it will never be done.

Because between you and me since I began this letter I have been three times on the point of laying down my pen, having my horse saddled and riding out to her. Although I swore to myself this morning not to do it, I am going every other moment to the window to see how high the sun has climbed. I could not bear it any longer; I had to see her. Here I am back, Wilhelm; I will now eat my supper and then go on writing to you. What a delight it was to see her among the dear lively children, her eight brothers and sisters!










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约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德(Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe),18世纪中叶到19世纪初德国和欧洲最重要的剧作家、诗人、思想家,他所处的那个时代正是欧洲社会大动荡大变革的年代。由于当时封建制度的日趋崩溃,革命力量的不断高涨,促使歌德不断接受先进思潮的影响,从而加深了自己对于社会的认识,创作出了当代最优秀的文艺作品。歌德除了诗歌、戏剧、小说之外,在文艺理论、哲学、历史学、造型设计等方面都取得了卓越的成就。



acquaintance [əˈkweintəns] n. 相识的人,熟人

capture [ˈkæptʃə] v. 捕获;俘虏

serenity [siˈreniti] n. 平静,沉着

abstract [ˈæbstrækt] adj. 难懂的,深奥的

swear [swɛə] v. 发誓;宣誓


Why do I not write to you? And you, a learned man, ask me this?

But all this is foolish talk pure abstract words which fail to describe one single feature of her real person.