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Amanda Perobelli / Reuters
Brazilian graffiti artist Eduardo Kobra puts the final touches to his mural "Coexistencia – Memorial da Fe por todas as vitimas do Covid-19," translated as "Coexistence - Memorial of Faith for all victims of Covid-19," which portrays children of different religions wearing protective face masks, in São Paulo, Brazil, on May 5, 2021.

2021年5月5日,巴西圣保罗,巴西涂鸦艺术家爱德华多·科布拉(Eduardo Kobra)正在为他的壁画"Coexistencia – Memorial da Fe por todas as vitimas do Covid-19" 做最后的润色,这幅涂鸦被命名为“共存-纪念所有Covid-19受害者”,画中描绘了不同宗教的儿童戴着口罩。