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It's time you set up a savings plan for your retirement


"You have to actively do things to build your wealth," says The Washington Post'spersonal finance columnist, Michelle Singletary.


"It's not like you go get a lotto ticket and you become rich instantly. Wealth doesn't happen that way," she says.



Luckily, learning a few key basics can put you on a path to a nice retirement fund. If you're lucky enough to be working and saving extra cash during COVID-19, right now could be a really good time to get started. But no matter how COVID-19 has affected your job or finances, these are good tips to remember.


Start saving as early as you can



If you're young, here's the secret to building a good retirement fund:


"You're young. That is your advantage. That is your secret stock," she says. The longer you have to save and invest, the more likely you are to reach your goal.


When you start investing your retirement savings early, you can take special advantage of compound interest — you're reinvesting all the interest you earn, to get interest on interest.


The stock market goes up and down, but over long periods of time, it tends to give you about a 7% return on your investment each year. That means your contribution to your retirement fund grows without you doing any extra work.


Here's the real magic of compound interest: let's say in your early 20s, you scrape together a couple hundred dollars to save for your retirement out of each paycheck. By the time you turned 30, you'll have saved around $50,000.


Thanks to compound interest, if it's growing at 7% a year, that money doubles by the time you're 40 years old. It doubles again and again with each decade, so by the time you're 70 and ready to retire — there's $800,000 waiting for you. You'd probably be saving a lot along the way, too — but it's the money you start investing when you're young that has the time to really grow.



Set a goal


Aim to save 15% of your gross income each year for retirement, Singletary says. She knows that can be a lofty goal, though, depending on how much you make and whether, say, you're single and living with your parents, or just becoming a young parent yourself and buying your first house. Either way, start saving something.


"Maybe starting out, you can only do five percent — then the next year, see if you can push it to six....But try to reach that 15% goal as soon as you possibly can," she recommends.
