英语听力汇总   |   如果你想吃这些食物,你会被警告说身体缺乏营养





If you crave these foods, you will be warned that your body is lacking in nutrients


You go to bed and wake up with a certain food in your mind. You even feel struggling, standing still without eating that dish.


Having a cravings can indicate stress. But according to some researchers, you may also be lacking certain nutrients when your body constantly craves something.


Specifically, if you are feeling cravings for any of the following foods, see what you are likely to lack.


Warning signs that the body lacks nutrients through eating habits


1. Dark Chocolate: Your body probably needs magnesium


Some types of dark chocolate contain more caffeine than a can of cola (about 30mg). This ingredient enhances your alertness and energy as it stimulates the central nervous system. So every time you feel tired and sleepy, you often crave a chocolate bar to be more productive.


The second choice for the reason why you like dark chocolate may be because you need magnesium. Chocolate contains magnesium and theobromine, two compounds shown to reduce stress hormone levels and promote muscle relaxation, according to a study by the American Chemical Society.


2. Peanut butter: Lack of carbs or some other nutrients


You may crave peanut butter for a lack of nutrition. Peanut butter is a nutrient-dense food that contains phytonutrients, such as beta-sitosterol. An animal study indicates that beta-sitosterol may be of value as an antidepressant. This food is an excellent source of protein, antioxidants, fats, iron, magnesium and calcium.


Cravings for peanut butter are also believed to be a common cravings among people planning a low-carbohydrate diet. Low-sugar peanut butter is an accepted food in many low-carb diets. People on low-carb diets may crave peanut butter as a carbohydrate substitute, as it has a mild sweet taste, satisfying texture and nutritional composition.


3. Ice: Lack of iron


The urge to drink ice or chew on ice is often associated with iron deficiency. Although the cause is unclear, according to doctors at MayoClinic Medical Center, appetite and chewing ice are often associated with iron deficiency, with or without anemia. There is also research showing that chewing ice can increase alertness in people with iron deficiency anemia.


In addition to nutritional issues, some people enjoy chewing ice due to emotional problems, such as stress, obsessive-compulsive disorder or developmental disorder. In case you can't control the urge to drink cold water or chew ice, you need to see a doctor for a health check.


4. Cakes: Lack of carbs


Cakes are very high in carbs. It's easy to feel full after eating a slice of cake because the high calories in it will give you a lot of energy quickly. Research by Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., a former scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and co-author of The Serotonin Power Diet, says: Carb cravings are part of daily life and common carbohydrate cravings. is from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. every day, so be careful during this time if you're on a special diet.


In addition, when your body feels cravings for bread, cakes or pasta, it is lacking in chromium or nitrogen. Besides, some researchers also link the desire to eat carbs with bad mood and stress. Accordingly, eating cakes will release the happy hormone called serotonin and help you feel better.


5. Meat and burgers: Lack of protein


If you suddenly start to crave burgers, think about exactly what is making you crave them. First of all, meat contains a lot of protein, so your body may be deficient in it. Second, red meat contains iron, zinc, and B vitamins ... if you crave red meat, your body is likely to be deficient in any of these substances.


In addition, a new study from the University of Sydney found that instead of simply cutting calories, if you eat enough protein in your diet, this is the key to curbing cravings. and preventing excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates. This helps you avoid snacking and can easily lead to obesity.


6. Carbonated beverages: Calcium deficiency


In fact, the more you drink carbonated water, the more you will feel cravings and drink more. A common reason when you want to drink carbonated drinks is due to a calcium deficiency. However, according to Webmd, the phosphoric acids in carbonated beverages can cause calcium and magnesium damage from the bones. If you've been drinking soda bottles and bottles every day, chances are you may have struggled with getting these two nutrients.
