Vegetables are an indispensable food group in the menu of people with gastro esophageal reflux. But in reality, not all vegetables are good for patients. Therefore, the problem of gastroesophageal reflux should eat what vegetables are a lot of patients interested to learn. Here is a list of the best vegetables for people with this disease.
1. Spinach
This group of vegetables is especially rich in antioxidants. It acts as a protective agent on the mucosa and tissues in the stomach, minimizing the harmful effects of acids, free radicals as well as other harmful agents (Hp bacteria, toxins ...) to the stomach, thereby contribute positively to speeding up the healing process.
2. Brassica integrifolia
Brassica integrifolia is also a good green vegetable for people with stomach reflux. You can use brassica integrifolia in many different forms such as boiling, cooking soup or stir-frying with meat. Some people also use it as raw vegetables.
3. Gastroesophageal reflux should eat watercress
Watercress is among the most alkaline foods (about 8.5 - 9.5). Regular use of this vegetable may help improve symptoms of reflux disease. It works by neutralizing stomach acid, reducing excess acidity. So you can limit heartburn, and avoid severe acid reflux in the future.
豆瓣菜是碱性最强的食物之一(约8.5 - 9.5)。经常食用这种蔬菜可能有助于改善反流病的症状。它的作用是中和胃酸,减少过量的酸性。所以可以限制烧心,和避免未来严重的胃酸反流。
4. Asparagus
Asparagus is considered a superfood because it has many health benefits such as: fighting cancer, boosting immunity, improving the health of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular and osteoarthritis systems. .
For people with gastroesophageal reflux disease, asparagus has the ability to balance the acidity in the stomach thanks to its alkalizing properties. Stir-fried asparagus with beef, sauteed asparagus with garlic, asparagus soup ... are the ideal suggestions for a healthy meal to help combat acid reflux.