Taking medication for lowering blood pressure may bring you some side effects, so, try these 7 healthy drinks that will do the job as well.
As we get older, we areat risk for high blood pressure - a common health condition when blood pressure is put on the walls of our arteries. If not treated early, the disease can lead to stroke, heart failure, myocardial infarction... and even sudden death.
Although you can use medicine to lower your high blood pressure, you can do it through diet as well. Some familiar drinks not only soothe blood pressure, but also improve your skin and physique. Above all, they are easy to drink. According to health website HealthAmbition, here are 7 drinks that everyone should use regularly.
虽然你可以用药物来降低你的高血压,你也可以通过饮食来做到这一点。一些常见的饮料不仅能缓解血压,还能改善你的皮肤和体质。最重要的是,它们很容易喝到。根据健康网站Health Ambition,以下是大家应该经常饮用的7种饮料。
1. Pure water
Start from the simplest drink that every family has - water. Because water makes up 85% of the blood fluid content, when not drinking enough water, the blood gets denser and reduces blood flow, causing high blood pressure.
In addition, drinking enough water is a way to eliminate toxins in the blood, helping the body to stay healthy, youthful and provide adequate moisture to the skin. Try to maintain 2 liters of water regularly per day (about 8 glasses) is best.
2. Coconut water
Coconut water is recognized as the best drink to lower blood pressure due to its high content of potassium that helps inhibit sodium in the body. According to the West India Medical Journal published in 2005, patients with high blood pressure after drinking coconut water had a marked reduction in disease after only 2 weeks of use.
3. Beet juice
Beets contain extremely high levels of antioxidants and vitamins A, E, carotene to help women stay younger and look better. In addition, beets contain plenty of phenolic acid - an inorganic nitrate that is converted into nitric oxide when it enters the body, helping to soothe and dilate blood vessels.
甜菜含有极高水平的抗氧化剂和维生素A, E,胡萝卜素,帮助女性保持年轻和看起来更好。此外,甜菜含有大量的酚酸,这是一种无机物硝酸盐,进入身体后会转化为一氧化氮,有助于舒缓和扩张血管。
According to a meta-analysis of the American Journal of Nutrition, regular consumption of radish juice is the safest way to lower blood pressure without the need for medication.
4. Red wine
Drinking too much wine will damage internal organs and increase blood pressure, but if you only drink 300ml a day, it will be very beneficial for heart health and blood pressure.
According to the Circulation Research Journal of Medicine, the flanovoid, phenolic acid and resveratrol contained in wine's polyphenols are the main factors that help lower blood pressure in the body. However, be careful not to use too much, because alcohol also generally inhibits the antioxidant ability to cause rapid aging. Drink less and have a degree to "enjoy" its benefits.
5. Pomegranate, blueberries and celery juice
One of the best ways to bring many benefits to your body is to drink juice from raw fruits and vegetables. According to many nutritionists, blueberries are high in antioxidants that help lower blood pressure by increasing blood flow, reducing inflammation and dilating blood vessels.
In addition, pomegranate and celery work the same way but supplementing with calcium, vitamins A and C in the most effective way. For women, supplementing with vitamins also helps to make skin look ruddy and smooth. Especially those who regularly exercise will be more beautiful if you regularly use vegetable juice.
6. Low-fat or fat-free milk
Potassium, calcium are two of the nutrients in low or non-fat milk. These kinds of milk also give you vitamin D and promote healthy blood pressure. According to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition, that full-fat milk also contains large amounts of palmitic acid that prevents the body from signaling to relax blood vessels, thereby increasing blood pressure.
7. Tea
Most teas help reduce blood pressure very well, such as green tea, oolong tea or black tea... Tea contains antioxidants that help reduce wrinkles and lower blood pressure quickly, especially oolong tea is certified. I was able to reduce blood pressure by 46% with only 2 and a half cups a day. Black tea not only helps reduce 10% of blood pressure at night, but also limits the fluctuations of blood pressure throughout the day.