Tardigrades are microscopic animals blessed with two very cool nicknames — the water bear and the moss piglet. They are segmented and reach a maximum length of a millimeter, maybe a millimeter and a half.
Water bears are as seemingly indestructible as they are tiny. They've been known to survive in extreme temperatures, though there are limits. (We'll get to that in a minute.) They shrug off extreme doses of radiation and laugh in the face of the silent vacuum of space itself. In one experiment, water bears were exposed to outer space for 10 days. After returning to Earth, it was discovered that many of the bears had survived and some even had babies.
Tardigrades can survive temperature extremes, space and even radiation. (Photo: Schokraie E, Warnken U, Hotz-Wagenblatt A, Grohme MA, Hengherr S, et al. (2012) [CC BY 2.5]/Wikimedia Commons)
Scientists even tried to rid the planet of tardigrades (only in theory) by putting the creatures through a series of tests that mimicked what they would experience if a deadly asteroid or radiation burst hit the Earth. But the tardigrades shrugged that off, too, outlasting billions of years worth of theoretic disaster events, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports.
They may be alive on the moon
The moon has craters and mountains and other nooks and crannies where tardigrades could survive. (Photo: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
Most recently, the little-water-bears-that-could caught our attention because they were revealed to be the only possible survivors from a 2019 crash landing on the moon. Luckily, the Israeli Beresheet probe didn't have any other living cargo on board when it crashed in April — a failed attempt to become the first private spacecraft to land on the moon.
However, a few thousand of the creatures were onboard at the time. They were part of a tiny lunar library put together by the Arch Mission Foundation, a group whose goal is to find a backup for Earth. The library consisted of the tardigrades, 30 million pages of information and human DNA samples.
They can survive without water
Despite their nickname, water bears can go without water for about 10 years, living as a dried-out shell. For 250 years, we had no idea how these tiny creatures survived this extreme drying out, but a group of researchers from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill discovered an answer.
Researchers dried out tardigrades to see which genes turned on as a response to the stress, according to their study published in Molecular Cell. Researchers found that intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) kicked into gear, filling up the tardigrades' cells with an "amorphous matrix" that prevents them from going completely dry and dying.
They can shrug off extreme temperatures, but ...
Mount Vinson is Antarctica's highest peak — and a likely home for tardigrades, which can live just about anywhere. (Photo: Wayne Morris/Shutterstock)
As mentioned earlier, these microscopic creatures that live on lichen and moss don't skip a beat when faced with cold temperatures. According to Smithsonian, they can survive extreme temperatures, frozen at minus 328 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 200 degrees Celsius) or heated to more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit (roughly 149 C). As with the other catastrophic conditions already mentioned, the secret is that under unfavorable conditions, they go into a state of suspended animation called the "tun" state. As a result, they can live almost anywhere, from Antarctica to the rainforest.
如前所述,这些以地衣和苔藓为食的微生物在面对低温时不会停止跳动。根据史密森学会的说法,它们可以生存的极端温度,在- 328华氏度(- 200摄氏度)或加热到超过300华氏度(约149摄氏度),正如前面提到的其他灾难性条件一样,秘密在于,在不利的条件下,它们进入一种被称为“TUN”状态的暂停动画状态。因此,它们几乎可以生活在任何地方,从南极洲到热带雨林。
They can resist radiation
Humans are getting a lot more medical imaging tests these days, and perhaps tardigrades can teach us how to do it in the safest manner possible. (Photo: eAlisa/Shutterstock)
It was a team of Japanese researchers who figured out the secret behind the hardy critter's amazing defense against radiation. (Other researchers learned that one group of water bears could survive radiation doses of 5,000 to 6,000 grays, or absorbed energy per unit mass of tissue. In contrast, humans would barely survive a dose of 5 grays!) Among the animal's many coping strategies is a protein that protects its DNA from radiation damage. The researchers named it "Dsup" (short for "damage suppressor"). When the scientists transplanted the Dsup protein into human cells in the lab, it protected those cells, too.