Two minds are greater than one, and when two equally artistic and crafty people come together, it’s bound to result in something truly magnificent. Artist Rivka Wilkins and woodworker Jared Davis collaborated on a shared project, and the result is an excellent example of what can be achieved through artistic projects.
Davis crafted a giant walnut table out of reclaimed wood to allow the artist to go wild with it. Wilkins, who is already established as an artist heavily inspired by the ocean, adorned Davis’ piece of furniture with layers of resin that brought the wood to life as an ocean shore.
Continue scrolling to check out their work and read an exclusive Bored Panda interview with Davis himself.
继续滚动查看他们的工作和阅读Bored Panda对戴维斯自己的独家采访。
This resin and wood creation is the result of a collaboration between Rivka Wilkins and Jared Davis
The resin layers intertwine beautifully in this furniture set that consists of a coffee table and a bench, creating a realistic feeling of waves splashing against a shore. Wilkins’ art not only breathes life into the classic texture of the wood, but makes it a one-of-a-kind piece that has its own aesthetic and feel.
While the set is mostly covered by resin waves, with blue, translucent and white colors painting a picture of endless waves, the design leaves some space for the original piece to peek through. Davis covered the remaining wooden part with a hard-wax oil to not only give it an nearly matte finish, but protect it from wear and tear.
Both of the furniture pieces are available at Davis’ Etsy store page, with the table’s price racking up to an impressive $2000. The walnut bench is sold for $1,700.
The furniture set also includes a matching bench with resin waves
Davis started thinking about working with Williams after he saw her projects on Instagram. “She seemed really genuine and actually our first collaboration was a giveaway for my 40k follower mark,” he told Bored Panda. “I had her do her resin waves on that first bench and we gave it away and it went over so well that we decided to be partners and start building more of them!”
戴维斯在Instagram上看到威廉姆斯的作品后,就开始考虑与她合作。“她看起来真的很真诚,实际上我们的第一次合作是为了庆祝我的粉丝达到40k,”他告诉Bored Panda。“我让她在第一张长椅上做了树脂波,我们把它给了别人,效果很好,我们决定成为合作伙伴,开始做更多的树脂波!”
Creating ocean furniture starts with Davis finding the perfect live edge slab. “I cut them and sand them to length and ship to Rivka. Then she works her resin magic and layers her waves on the top surface of the table. Then she ships it back to me where I sand and finish all the edges, the back, and the remaining strip on the top of the slab that is not covered by her waves. And then I measure and order the legs for it and assemble it!” he explained.
Davis thinks it’s the combination of the natural elements that makes these pieces so unique.
“It just seems like a supernatural pairing of two things that we find in nature. Although the resin isn’t actual water, Rivka creates the effect better than almost anybody. So seeing those waves follow the natural curves of the live edge slab which mimic the natural curves of a shoreline is truly unique.”
His own background in woodwork goes back to being a child and spending time with his dad. “[He] had his own construction business. So I’ve always been involved in some type of woodworking.” Davis then went to engineering school and to pay his way through, he started making reclaimed wood things as a hobby, and everything kind of took off from there.
More info: (Wilkins) Etsy | Instagram | (Davis) Etsy | Instagram
图片来源:Giedrė Vaičiulaitytė