英语听力汇总   |   YouTube上收入最高的明星





Ryan Kaji is YouTube’s highest-paid star

Ryan Kaji是YouTube上收入最高的明星

YouTube’s highest-paid influencer makes eight figures — and he isn’t even 10 years old yet.


Forbes has named 8-year-old Ryan Kaji as 2019’s best-paid YouTube star. Kaji’s channel Ryan’s World has garnered 23 million subscribers since debuting when he was only 3. The tyke reportedly makes $26 million from it annually, based on Forbes’ pretax and agent-fee earnings estimates.

《福布斯》将8岁的瑞安·卡吉评为2019年YouTube上收入最高的明星。Kaji的频道Ryan 's World自3岁时开播以来,已经吸引了2300万订阅者。据《福布斯》(Forbes)的税前和代理费收入估计,这个小年轻每年能赚2,600万美元。

Ryan Kaji是YouTube上收入最高的明星

The channel began in 2015 by featuring “unboxing” videos, in which Kaji unwraps toys on-camera, and has since matured to feature him conducting science experiments. The tot now also has his own toy and clothing lines, a Nickelodeon show and a Hulu deal.


Kaji’s young age is likely a large part of his appeal, experts tell Forbes. “YouTube is the most popular baby sitter in the world,” explains Eyal Baumel, the CEO of entertainment company Yoola. Indeed, the Pew Research Center found that having a child in a YouTube video increases its average views threefold.

专家告诉《福布斯》,加藤的年轻很可能是他的魅力所在。“YouTube是世界上最受欢迎的保姆,”娱乐公司Yoola的首席执行官Eyal Baumel解释道。事实上,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)发现,在YouTube上放一个孩子的视频,平均浏览量会增加三倍。

In third place for top-paid YouTube star is Anastasia Radzinskaya, who is 5 years old and has six-figure deals with Legoland and Dannon. She reportedly earns $18 million annually.


Despite the popularity of kid-made YouTube channels, the company’s own CEO recently reveals she doesn’t let her own kids use the main version of the streaming site — limiting them to the child-friendly YouTube Kids.
