英语听力汇总   |   染发剂和直发器与更高的癌症风险有关,尤其是黑人女性





Hair Dyes And Straighteners Linked To Higher Cancer Risk, Especially For Black Women


New research raises concern about the safety of permanent hair dye and chemical hair straighteners, especially among African American women. The study was published Wednesday in the International Journal of Cancer.


Previous research in animals has found links between certain chemicals in hair dye and straighteners and cancer. But findings from other human studies on the association between hair dyes and straighteners and cancer have been inconsistent. This large, prospective study provides firmer evidence of a link.



Researchers analyzed data from an ongoing study called the Sister Study, looking at medical records and lifestyle surveys from 46,709 women between the ages of 35 and 74. Women answered questions about their use of hair dyes and straighteners. While earlier studies on hair dye and cancer risk included mostly white women, the new study includes 9% African American women.

研究人员分析了一项名为“姐妹研究”(Sister study)的正在进行的研究的数据,他们查看了年龄在35岁至74岁之间的46709名女性的医疗记录和生活方式调查。女性回答了有关她们使用染发剂和直发器的问题。早期关于染发剂和癌症风险的研究主要包括白人女性,而新的研究包括9%的非洲裔美国女性。

Researchers found that women who used permanent hair dye or chemical straighteners were at higher risk of developing breast cancer.


"The association was notably higher among black women," says epidemiologist Alexandra White, study author and an investigator with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, who studies environmental risk factors for breast cancer.


After eight years of follow-up, White found permanent hair dye use was associated with about a 7% higher risk of developing breast cancer among white women, "whereas in black women that risk was about 45 percent."


That risk was even higher among black women who dyed their hair frequently, every one or two months.


Researchers don't know which ingredients in the products might be of concern. The study did not look at the specific ingredients in the products women were using, only at whether they had used the product and whether they developed breast cancer.


All women in the Sister Study were already at high risk for breast cancer since they had a sister who had breast cancer.


Researchers note that in the United States, breast cancer incidence remains high for all women and appears to be increasing for non-Hispanic black women, who also are more likely to be diagnosed with more aggressive forms of the disease and more likely to die from it.


Hair products contain more than 5,000 chemicals, according to researchers, including those with mutagenic and endocrine-disrupting properties such as aromatic amines, which can raise cancer risk, according to White.



When it came to chemical straighteners, risk didn't vary by race. Both black and white women who used hair straighteners were about 30% more likely to develop breast cancer than those who didn't use the products. However, black women are more likely to use them, with about 75% of black women in the study reporting they straighten their hair.


Dr. Doris Browne, a medical oncologist and former president of the National Medical Association, suggests women start a conversation with their doctor about their risk for breast cancer.
