英语听力汇总   |   这个单身爸爸收养了一个患有唐氏综合症的女婴,她被20个家庭拒绝





This Single Dad Adopted A Baby Girl With Down Syndrome Who Was Rejected By 20 Families


There’s nothing more heartwarming than reading stories about abandoned children who finally get to go home to loving parents. Just last month, Bored Panda wrote about a gay couple who adopted an HIV-positive baby. Now it’s time for you to meet Luca Trapanese – a man from Italy who is challenging the stereotypes of fatherhood, religion, and family in his home country. Back in 2017, the 41-year-old adopted his daughter Alba, when she was not even a month old. Luca’s story has gone viral for several reasons – one of which is that Luca is gay and single and the social services in Italy don’t usually grant custody to single, homosexual men. Luca later told the media that he was told he would only be able to adopt a child with health or behavioral problems. But that didn’t scare him away.

没有什么比读到关于被遗弃的孩子最终回到父母身边的故事更暖心的了。就在上个月,Bored Panda网站报道了一对同性恋夫妇收养了一名hiv呈阳性的婴儿。现在是时候让你认识一下卢卡·特拉帕内斯了——一个来自意大利的男人,他正在挑战他祖国对父亲、宗教和家庭的刻板印象。2017年,41岁的他收养了还不到一个月大的女儿阿尔芭。卢卡的故事在网上疯传有几个原因——其中一个是卢卡是同性恋,而且是单身,而意大利的社会服务机构通常不会给单身的同性恋男子监护权。卢卡后来告诉媒体,他被告知只能收养有健康或行为问题的孩子。但这并没有把他吓跑。

Back in 2017, Luca adopted baby girl Alba


Luca Trapanese – a 41-year-old single man from Italy – adopted Alba when she was merely 13 days old. The little girl has Down’s Syndrome and was given up for adoption by her mother because of it. It wasn’t easy to find a new family for baby Alba – 20 families rejected the newborn because of her condition. But fortunately, Luca turned up and Alba’s life changed forever.


The girl has down syndrome


Due to which she was previously rejected by 20 families


But Alba’s condition did not scare Luca away as he was determined to become a father


Luca himself had worked in care centers for people with special needs


Luca was told that he could only adopt a baby with special needs who had been previously rejected by traditional families. Luca was in 7th heaven – he knew he was finally bound to become a father, just like he always dreamed. “Since I was 14 years old, I have volunteered and worked with the disabled so I felt I had the right knowledge and experience to do it,” Luca told the media.


So he wasn’t afraid of the challenges he could face while raising Alba


“When I first held her in my arms, I was overcome with joy. I felt she was my daughter straight away”


“It was the first time I held a newborn baby. Before that moment, I had always been scared. But, when I first held Alba, I knew I was ready to be her dad,” said the young father.


Today, the man’s life revolves around Alba. He says that his daughter “revolutionized his life and everything revolves around her. She brought me happiness and a sense of fulfillment. I am proud to be her dad. I wanted her to be my daughter.”


More info: Instagram

Image credits: trapaluca