英语听力汇总   |   上升并远离,伴随着感恩节的传统





Up and away with a Thanksgiving tradition


For pure, kitschy Americana, it's tough to beat a huge, helium-filled cartoon character floating down the streets of New York City.


It wouldn't be a party (or a parade) without Spongebob Squarepants. (Photo: Scott Cornell/Shutterstock.com)

Who among us doesn't enjoy gawking at a Pillsbury doughboy so big that if he really was made of dough, he'd make about 4 million crescent rolls? Or a single, angry eyebrow on a bird — as in an Angry Bird — that checks in at 7 feet long?


The 93rd Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade rolls on again this week with its usual complement of marching bands (11 of them this year), floats (26 of them), clowns (1,000-plus) and other performers. But, c’mon. We all know who the stars of the show are.


If the wind allows — and that's a big if for this year — Macy's says 16 giant character balloons will make their way down the streets of Manhattan on Thursday, among 3.5 million or so people lining the parade route and 50 million others watching on TV. These balloons are a testament to American ingenuity and engineering — maybe even more than being kitsch or Americana or unbridled commercialism.


Really, who else would take months to design and build a balloon shaped like an acorn that's large enough to hold 15 million real acorns?


How big are these things? At 67 feet, the Ronald McDonald balloon is as high as a six-story building. The Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger is 78 feet long, which Macy's points out is as long as 13 bicycles. They can weigh 400 pounds or more.
