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The pilgrims celebrated the first harvest in their colony


Sometime in the autumn of 1621, a group of English Pilgrims who had crossed the Atlantic Ocean and created a colony called New Plymouth celebrated their first harvest.


They hosted a group of about 90 Wampanoags, their Algonquian-speaking neighbors. Together, migrants and Natives feasted for three days on corn, venison and fowl.



As Gov. William Bradford wrote in 1623, "Instead of famine now God gave them plenty, and the face of things was changed, to the rejoicing of the hearts of many, for which they blessed God."


A 'desolate wilderness' or 'Paradise of all parts'?


Bradford's "Of Plymouth Plantation," which he began to write in 1630 and finished two decades later, traces the history of the Pilgrims from their persecution in England to their new home along the shores of modern Boston Harbor.


Bradford and other Pilgrims believed in predestination. Every event in their lives marked a stage in the unfolding of a divine plan, which often echoed the experiences of the ancient Israelites.


Throughout his account, Bradford probed Scripture for signs. He wrote that the Puritans arrived in "a hideous and desolate wilderness, full of wild beasts and wild men." They were surrounded by forests "full of woods and thickets".



The wisdom of those who came before


Just as important, the Pilgrims understood what to do with the land.


By the time that these English planned their communities, knowledge of the Atlantic coast of North America was widely available.


Those hoping to create new settlements had read accounts of earlier European migrants who had established European-style villages near the water, notably along the shores of Chesapeake Bay, where the English had founded Jamestown in 1607.


Many of these migrants died or gave up. But none disappeared without record, and their stories circulated in books printed in London. Every English effort before 1620 had produced accounts useful to would-be colonizers.


The English mathematician Thomas Harriot, enumerated the commodities that the English could extract from America's fields and forests in a report he first published in 1588.



The artist John White, who was on the same mission to modern Carolina, painted a watercolor depicting the wide assortment of marine life that could be harvested, another of large fish on a grill, and a third showing the fertility of fields at the town of Secotan.


By the mid-1610s, actual commodities had started to arrive in England too, providing support for those who had claimed that North American colonies could be profitable. The most important of these imports was tobacco, which many Europeans considered a wonder drug capable of curing a wide range of human ailments.


These reports (and imports) encouraged many English promoters to lay plans for colonization as a way to increase their wealth. But those who thought about going to New England, especially the Pilgrims who were kindred souls of Bradford, believed that there were higher rewards to be reaped.


Bradford and the other Puritans who arrived in Massachusetts often wrote about their experience through the lens of suffering and salvation.


But the Pilgrims were better equipped to survive than they let on.
