英语听力汇总   |   在这些村庄里,邮件由babushka送来





In these villages, the mail comes by babushka


The roads are long and often mountainous, but 83-year-old Ekaterina Dzalaeva-Otaraeva walks them several days a week. As the postwoman for the remote North Ossetian village of Tsey in Russia, she treks 25 to 30 miles round-trip on foot on her delivery route.

这条路很长,经常是山,但是83岁的Ekaterina Dzalaeva-Otaraeva每周都要走好几天。作为俄罗斯偏远的北奥塞梯村Tsey的邮差,她要走25到30英里的送货路线。

Dzalaeva-Otaraeva has been handing out mail for 50 years. She was inspired as a child by the local postman who brought news from the front during World War II, she tells Russian news outlet Ruptly. Dzalaeva-Otaraeva已经分发邮件50年了。她对俄罗斯新闻媒体透露,她小时候曾受到当地邮递员的启发,他在二战期间从前线带来了新闻。

"When I was a little girl, one senior man worked as a postman. And all the people were waiting for him. It was during the war. And I was among those who ran towards him," she said.


She said she hoped to be able to bring letters home to her family from her brother because she knew that would make them happy.


Ruptly says Dzalaeva-Otaraeva quit school to cut hay because there was no one else who was able to do it.


"Then I noticed that there was no postman at the post office. I asked the manager to employ me. He asked me if I was able to work. And I said that I would try to," she said.


She is often greeted by hugs and enjoys talking with familiar friends she meets along her route.


"I find it easier when I chat to people," she says. "I've experienced a lot of sorrow, and I think about it when I'm doing nothing and it's difficult for me. But when I leave home, it's easier."
