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Great treasures found with a metal detector


You may think the lone treasure seeker scanning the sand with a metal detector at the beach seems a bit dorky — no offense to "detectorists," of course — but that only makes this revenge of the nerds all the sweeter.


These are pieces from the Staffordshire Hoard, an Anglo-Saxon treasure trove discovered by metal detector in 2009. (Photo: David Rowan, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery [CC BY 2.0]/Wikimedia Commons)

The fine art of metal detecting gets a whole lot sexier when you read about what they found, like the retired businessman who unearthed the mother lode of Viking gold and silver artifacts dating back more than 1,000 years. Derek McLennan's find in October 2014 in Scotland, hailed as the country's most significant, was comprised of 100 items including a ninth century solid silver cross, a silver pot, gold objects, a rare silver cup engraved with animals that dates from the Holy Roman Empire, and a gold bird pin. It wasn't McLennan's first big find, either. The year prior, he found about 300 medieval coins in the same area.


His efforts were handsomely rewarded. Three years later, he was awarded the equivalent of $2.5 million. He'd passed along his find to the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer's Remembrance, which makes rulings on items deemed not to have an owner, according to The Independent, and they set the price of his payment.


You just never know what these modern-day prospectors might discover. With that in mind, we rounded up the more significant finds that have us thinking that maybe it's time to get a metal detector after all — name-calling be damned.


In July 2009, metal detector enthusiast Terry Herbert decided to try his luck in farmland close to his home in Staffordshire in the English countryside. He came across an artifact, and bingo. Over the next five days, he found enough gold objects in the soil to fill 244 bags. An archeological expedition was hatched, and all told, the "Staffordshire Hoard" was found to contain some 3,500 pieces representing hundreds of complete objects. The cache of gold, silver and garnet objects from early Anglo-Saxon times represents one of the most important kingdoms of the era — and was valued at around $5.3 million.


A decade later, archeologists have put what they've learned about the extensive find into a book, "The Staffordshire Hoard: An Anglo-Saxon Treasure," which also has an impressive online component with details and images about all 700 objects.

十年后,考古学家们把他们所了解到的大量发现写成了一本书,《斯塔福德郡窖藏:盎格鲁-撒克逊宝藏》(the stfordshire窖藏:An Anglo-Saxon Treasure),这本书还有一个令人印象深刻的在线组件,包含了所有700件物品的细节和图片。