英语听力汇总   |   为孤儿们做大餐的爷爷去世了,享年73岁





73 Y.O. Grandpa Who Makes Massive Meals For Orphans Passes Away


The best part about the internet is its ability to give the platform to generous and kind people who are eager to change the world for the better. So when one such man named Narayana Reddy started his YouTube channel, people couldn’t help but share the wholesomeness he broadcasted. Over just two years, Reddy, best known as Grandpa Kitchen, has gained over 6 million followers who enjoy watching him cook gigantic meals to feed orphans. However, recently, some heartbreaking news emerged — one of the internet’s kindest grandpas has passed away.


Recently, the news has emerged that the man behind Grandpa’s Kitchen YouTube channel has died


Reddy’s success on YouTube was not surprising. We all know how much people love cooking channels and grandpa’s video was exactly what people needed — simple, easy and just about as wholesome as they can possibly get.


The massive meals he prepared in each video weren’t just an elaborate trick to capture the attention of his audience. In fact, the meals were big, so that every orphan in Reddy’s community would get a bite to eat. The dishes all looked incredibly amazing and mouth-watering.


Narayana Reddy have gained over 6 million subscribers in just two years for preparing giant meals to feed the orphans

仅仅在两年内,Narayana Reddy就因为为孤儿们准备丰盛的饭菜而获得了600多万订阅者

Reddy taught his subscribers to prepare such dishes as KFC-style chicken, pizza, lasagne, chicken biryani, donuts, and many others.


Fans probably know Grandpa’s Kitchen intro by heart. Grandpa begins each video reciting, “Loving, caring, sharing: this is my family, and it’s clear these words aren’t just some catchphrase, but rather something Reddy truly lived by.


He firmly believed in helping the less fortunate and supporting his community.


That’s why the proceedings he received from his viral videos were donated to charities, so people in need would be provided with basic necessities.


Last week, people were left devastated when they saw what would be Reddy’s final appearance on YouTube.


He made a video to give live updates on his health which quickly worsened.


News that the kind-hearted grandpa passed away at 73 years old broke many hearts. However, the good deeds he has done won’t be forgotten.


More info: youtube.com | patreon.com

图片来源:Andželika Jasevičiūtė