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We just hosted a pug sleepover party, and we're about to do it again


Hosting my dogs' cousins for a family reunion is not something I ever expected to be doing. And yet, there they were: A dozen pure-bred pugs gallivanting around our house as if they owned the place. There was Turner attempting to pee on a piece of furniture in the living room, while Heddy and Patti ran circles around him. My wife Elizabeth was giving another pug a manicure.


The little puppies came to the kitchen expecting food. They got a bath in the sink instead. (Photo: Benyamin Cohen)

I guess I should back up a moment and explain how we ended up hosting this massive pug sleepover party. The fact that I even own a dog, let alone two, is a remarkable feat considering that growing up, for no apparent reason, I was deathly afraid of dogs. The dogs of my childhood pop culture memories – Snoopy, Clifford the Big Red Dog, Disney's "101 Dalmatians" – didn't elicit the same dread. They were merely fun creatures of fiction. In my preternaturally pea-sized kid brain, it was like how the general public felt about Winnie the Pooh: He's cute on paper, but nobody wants to bump into a real bear with no pants on in the woods.


As I got older, and left the confines of a Fido-intolerant upbringing, I knew that my fear of dogs was completely baseless.


Flash forward 20 years and I've now been blessed with several dogs who have enriched my life. When my wife and I were dating, she told me she had always been fascinated with pugs. She pointed out that no matter how bad her day was, she could always look at a silly pug face and instantly smile. We talked about getting our first pug after we settled into marriage, but instead I surprised her with a pug puppy at the wedding. That was nearly 16 years ago.


Spike and Fergus are like two pugs in a pod. (Photo: Benyamin Cohen)

We stumbled into this strange world of pug pedigree in the summer of 2016 when we met a pug breeder in Ohio, about four hours west of us. By day, she's a nurse. But at night (and on weekends and every spare moment in between), she has been tirelessly working to perfect a line of AKC registered dogs known as Sheffield pugs. She has become such an expert in the breed that she's written medical articles about them and has herself become a dog show judge. For pug lovers like ourselves, it was like meeting the Wizard of Oz.


Spike taking a nap from his other nap. (Photo: Benyamin Cohen)

Now that we have two pugs from this breeder, she has become part of our extended family. We've been to her house a couple of times and she's been out to ours as well. So when she inquired about staying over again, we didn't blink. She was driving from her home to a national pug show in Baltimore. She would be showcasing some of her best – including Spensur, a dog who specializes in agility competitions (something not always associated with the lazy, lap-loving pug breed).


For us, it was neat to see that a lot of them shared the same idiosyncrasies – just like in any family dynamic. Aunt Lexi licks hair off the carpet just like Fergus and Spike do. Although, to be fair, all these pugs look so similar. Honestly, I had no clue who was who. On more than one occasion, I picked up a pup and asked, "Is this my dog?"


These 7-week-old pugs are getting their first bath. (Photo: Benyamin Cohen)

The humans had a breakfast of shakshouka from eggs laid by our hens that morning, and the dogs ate the same thing they do everyday. The dogs said their goodbyes as the humans packed up the car. We waved as the car left the driveway on its way to Baltimore, Fergus offering a meager bark as the van sped away. But this is not the last we'll see of them. Elizabeth will be meeting them at the pug show later in the week to help the breeder show her pugs. Win or lose, they will then turn around and head back to Ohio.
