英语听力汇总   |   历史上最著名的画作背后的有趣故事





Interesting Stories Behind The Most Famous Paintings Of All Time


Another installment to the series where we explore the background and meaning behind famous artworks.


Find our previous post here.


#1 Scotland Forever!, Lady Butler, 1881


"Scotland Forever!" depicts the Royal Scots Greys charging alongside the British heavy cavalry at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Butler was inspired to paint the charge as a response to the aesthetic paintings that she saw - and intensely disliked - on a visit to the Grosvenor Gallery. Although Butler had never observed a battle, she was permitted to watch her husband's regiment during training maneuvers, positioning herself in front of charging horses in order to observe their movement.


#2 Geopoliticus Child Watching The Birth Of The New Man, Salvador Dalí, 1943


This is arguably the most recognizable piece created by Salvador Dalí. Completed during his stay in the United States from 1940 to 1948, it reflects the important role America would play on the world stage following World War II. The man emerging from the egg is rising out of the "new" nation. Africa and South America are both enlarged, representing the growing importance of the Third World, while Europe is being crushed by the man's hand, indicating its diminishing importance as an international power. The draped cloth represents the placenta of the new nation. A starving and weary female figure representing the past era points to acknowledge the importance of this new world power. The child at her feet represents the new age. The child casts a longer shadow than the woman, indicating that the new age will soon replace the old one.


#3 At Breakfast, Zinaida Serebryakova, 1814

早餐,娜伊达 谢列勃里亚科娃, 1814年

The painting depicts the artist’s family life through her children: eight-year-old Zhenya, seven-year-old Shura, and two-year-old Tata, with each child’s character subtly shown. The children sit patiently as they wait for their grandmother to pour soup into their bowls. The piece depicts a sense of purity and tranquility as well as an atmosphere of warmth and tenderness, at the same time depicting a fleeting moment in time, with the subjects turning to look at the audience.


#4 Ploughing In The Nivernais, Rosa Bonheur, 1849


The Nivernais was known for its Charolaise cattle, which played an important role in the agricultural revolution of the nineteenth century. Rosa Bonheur, having a reputation for her animal paintings, was commission by the French government to create this piece. According to Albert Boime, the painting should be seen as a glorification of peasant life and its ancient traditions; he places it in the context of the revolutionary year 1848, when cities were the scene of chaos and strife.


图片来源:CrunChewy McSandybutt