It’s not like Jeff Bezos, the $110 billion man, is going to have to auction off his $65 million Gulfstream jet if he makes a bad bet on Amazon delivery drones (or goes through a $36 billion divorce).
身家1100亿美元的富翁杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)在亚马逊送货无人机上押注失误(或者经历360亿美元的离婚),也不至于要被迫拍卖他那架6500万美元的湾流(Gulfstream)飞机。
Even so, the isolation that often accompanies extreme wealth can provide an emotional impulse to keep on earning, long after material comforts have been met, said T. Byram Karasu, an emeritus professor of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx who said he has worked with numerous high earners in his private practice.
即便如此,时常伴随巨富的孤立感可以在物质享受得到满足很久之后,提供一种继续赚钱的情感冲动,布朗克斯区的阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦医学院(Albert Einstein College of Medicine)精神病学荣休教授T·拜拉姆·卡拉苏(T. Byram Karasu)说,他说在私营执业期间接触过大量高收入者。
Apex entrepreneurs and financiers, after all, are often “adrenaline-fueled, transgressive people,” Karasu said. “They tend to have laser-focused digital brains, are always in transactional mode, and the bigger they get, the lonelier they are, because they do not belong.”
Berglas, a onetime member of the Harvard Medical School faculty in psychology, said: “If you can’t relate to people, you presume that the failure to have rewarding relationships is because of jealousy — your house is three-X your neighbors’, and they look at your brand-new Corvette and drool. It’s a compensatory mechanism — ‘I might not have a ton of friends, but I can do anything I want and I’m the most powerful SOB there is.”
Limitless opportunity, extreme isolation. They already own the present. What else is left to buy but tomorrow, and the tomorrow after that? Suddenly, the fetish of the superrich for space tourism starts to make sense.