英语听力汇总   |   全世界有8亿人挨饿,20亿人吃太多





One-third of the world's nearly 700 million children under five years old are undernourished or overweight and face lifelong health problems as a consequence, according to a United Nations' assessment of childhood nutrition released on Tuesday.


"If children eat poorly, they live poorly," said UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore, unveiling the agency's first State of the World's Children report since 1999. "We are losing ground in the fight for healthy diets."

“如果孩子们吃的不好,他们生活的也不好,”联合国儿童基金会执行主任亨利埃塔·福尔(Henrietta Fore)表示,这是该基金会自1999年以来首次发表的《世界儿童状况报告》。“在争取健康饮食的战役中,我们正走着下坡路。”


Problems that once existed at opposite ends of the wealth spectrum have today converged in poor and middle-income countries, the report showed. Despite a nearly 40 percent drop in stunted growth in poor countries from 1990 to 2015, 149 million children age four or younger are today still too short for their age, a clinical condition that impairs both brain and body development.


Another 50 million are afflicted by wasting, a chronic and debilitating thinness also born of poverty. At the same time, half of youngsters across the globe under five are not getting essential vitamins and minerals, a long-standing problem UNICEF has dubbed "hidden hunger". Over the past three decades, however, another form of child malnutrition has surged across the developing world: excess weight.


"This triple burden - undernutrition, a lack of crucial micronutrients and obesity - is increasingly found in the same country, sometimes in the same neighborhood, and often in the same household," said Victor Aguayo, head of UNICEF's nutrition program. "A mother who is overweight or obese can have children who are stunted or wasted."

“这种三重负担——营养不良、缺乏关键的微量营养素和肥胖——正越来越多地出现在同一个国家,有时出现在同一个街区,也经常出现在同一个家庭,”联合国儿童基金会营养项目的负责人维克多·阿加约(Victor Aguayo)说道。“过重或肥胖的母亲可能会生出营养不良或瘦弱的孩子。”


Across all age groups, more than 800 million people in the world are constantly hungry and another 2 billion are eating too much of the wrong foods, driving epidemics of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.


Among children under five, their mother's diet during the 1,000 days after conception has formed the foundation for their physical health and mental development. And yet, only two of five infants under six months old are exclusively breastfed, as recommended. Sales of milk-based formula have risen worldwide by 40 percent, and in upper middle-income countries such as Brazil, China and Turkey, there's has been a nearly 75 percent jump.
