Every year, waves of monarch butterflies migrate to south and west as colder weather arrives in parts of the United States.
The western population of monarch butterflies didn't have a good year in 2018. (Photo: Bill Kennedy/Shutterstock)
The movement generally begins in October as the butterflies make their way to Mexico and Southern California.
The butterflies decided to make a pit stop and rest at John Martin Reservoir State Park on their way to Mexico.
"For the past couple years, Colorado Parks and Wildlife technicians have specifically planted pollinator seed mixes in plots at state wildlife areas in the Southeast Region as a response to the worldwide collapse of butterfly populations," said Bill Vogrin, Colorado Parks and Wildlife public information officer for the Southeast Region.
“在过去的几年里,科罗拉多公园和野生动物技术人员专门在东南地区的国家野生动物保护区的土地上种植授粉种子混合物,以应对世界范围内蝴蝶数量的锐减,”科罗拉多公园和东南地区野生动物公共信息官员Bill Vogrin说。
Experts at the park counted upwards of 20 species on a specific pollinator plot earlier in the week.
Unfortunately, temperatures took a dive in the region and the bulk of the butterfly migration has already moved further south.
Monarch butterflies return to the same trees every year, which is impressive on its own, but couple that with a migration of more than 2,500 miles and that the migration spans roughly four generations, and it becomes astonishing.
If you want to check out the known landing spots for these beautiful migrating butterflies, check out this map put together by Monarch City USA.