We, humans, seem to have an awfully endless fascination with chubby animals, regardless of whether we’re talking about pets such as dogs and cats, or be it some wild animals. But in this particular case, the celebration of chonkiness is very well earned as these brown bears of Katmai National Park put their best effort into this essential part of their lives. As for most animals who hibernate during the wintertime, it’s necessary for them to get that every bit of fat possible, so they don’t starve themselves out during their long winter nap. Katmai’s workers had this brilliant idea of how to both celebrate it and educate the masses. Scroll down to find out all about it!
Katmai National Park in Alaska came up with this beautiful idea to celebrate brown bears’ success in preparing for winter
By making the Fattest Bear Competition on their Facebook page
And having people vote for their favorite chonks living in the park
This is Grazier prior and post his summer salmon diet
Some bears don’t have particular names but still compete with the fellas
This little cub did a nice job chonking up and made it to the competition as well
And while all of them did a nice job getting round and chubby, which is essential for successful hibernation
There could only be one queen or king of the Fat Bear Week
This chubby girl was competing with Holly in the finals
All hail the queen Holly though!
More info: Katmai National Park
图片来源:Katmai National Park