I created The Fight for the Last of Life over the course of a year, and after quite a lot of literal blood and sweat, I couldn’t be happier to see it resting on the seafloor where it belongs.
I would’ve liked to have completed it more quickly, but I can only work on these projects in the little spare time I have outside of teaching reef conservation biology to the students who join us from all over, through our non-profit Conservation Diver.
With the help of my colleague Bob, and electrical engineer from Holland, we’ve run a low impressed current through this sculpture, turning it into a Cathode through seawater electrolysis. This process encourages coral growth and enhances the survivability of these threatened organisms, with scientific studies suggesting corals can grow 3-5 times more rapidly through this technique by contrast to natural conditions.
The Fight for the Last of Life – finally in place
This cup will soon be restored by our team at Conservation Diver with a genetically diverse feedstock of opportunistic coral fragments (nothing broken or physically damaged by hand). The Cup of Life, will be growing a beautiful endangered Acropora coral up and out of it, that the other sculptures are reaching out for to steal for their own ends.
Everything starts small. Here I was beginning work on that very first sculpture
This concept was one I’ve been dreaming about creating for the last 3 years since my mentor and colleague Chad Scott was diagnosed with Leukemia (AML specifically). He is an inspiration to everyone he ever met, and his diagnosis sent me spiraling into a dark depression. Watching a man in his early 30s, one with so much incredible potential (which he still retains to this day), shattered my belief in “good things come to good people”. His entire life he had to fight for everything he ever did, and as a reef conservation biologist was constantly struggling against others who seek to take credit for his work, profiteer off it, or bastardize it in some way shape or form. Months after his diagnosis, I drew up a concept sketch, of him reaching towards the surface, with hands reaching up and out of the sculpture, attempting to grab onto him, to either hold him back or have them take him with them.
自从我的导师和同事查德·斯科特(Chad Scott)被诊断出患有白血病(AML)以来,这是我在过去三年中一直梦想创造的理念。他鼓舞了他遇到的每一个人,他的诊断让我陷入了抑郁的深渊。看到一个30岁出头的男人,一个拥有如此巨大潜力的男人(他至今仍保留着这种潜力),粉碎了我“好人有好报”的信念。他一生都在为他所做的每一件事而奋斗,作为一名珊瑚礁保护生物学家,他不断地与那些试图把他的工作据为己有、从中牟利或以某种方式使其沦为私生子的人作斗争。在他确诊几个月后,我画了一幅概念草图,画的是他向水面伸出手,手向上伸出雕塑,试图抓住他,把他拉回去,或者让他们把他带走。
“I Am Iron man!”
Fast-forward several months, cuts, arc-eye and mosquito bites. Worth it!
More than 3 years later, the concept evolved a great deal. The cup held by the central sculpture will have a coral planted into it, embodying the proverbial cup of life. The sculpture’s face is broken, as are their hands, a reference to our rapidly decaying humanity and environment. The other two sculptures reaching out for him, instead of faces, are masked. These sculptures are those that would seek to take the work of those conservationists who fight sincerely for the betterment of the planet. They seek to use that work to their own end as a form of greenwashing, a practice so common in today’s world that it has made skeptics of all of us.
Ready to be taken out on a longtail, I’m seen here grinning like an idiot
One last kiss before you go down
Perhaps the kiss lingered too long. The sculptures then got a little handsy
Is your glass half empty, or half full?
With the low impressed electrical current running through it, here you can see the effect of the calcium carbonate crust reinforcing the sculpture’s bars. This beautiful white crust is the same material that corals use to build their skeleton and is what makes them grow so much quicker on this sculpture than under natural conditions!
More info: conservationdiver.com