英语听力汇总   |   家庭心理健康之旅:急诊、疾病、康复、稳定





A family's mental health journey: Emergency, illness, recovery, stability


In March 2010, Pam Lipp received the call she'd been dreading for months. She figured it would come from one of three places: the police, the hospital or the morgue.


Instead, it was her husband, Doug, saying that he'd just received word that their 18-year-old daughter, Amanda, a freshman at Chico State University in California, was being held at a psychiatric crisis center after trying to throw herself in front of a moving car.



Amanda had lost her grip on reality and fallen into a state of psychosis. She'd started selling off her belongings and believed that cameras were following her everywhere.


Doug was away at a speaking engagement, so Pam jumped in the car with a friend and raced to the crisis center two hours away. When they arrived, they found Amanda, curled up in a ball on the floor in a fetal position, sobbing. "I was hallucinating. I thought I was a doctor. When my mom got there, I realized I was the one in trouble," says Amanda. "Nothing prepares you for seeing your child in such turmoil. I felt helpless," says Pam.


Amanda was soon diagnosed with bipolar disorder, a mental illness characterized by manic highs, depressive lows and possible periods of psychosis. Although the diagnosis provided a new direction to what had been an all-consuming journey for the Lipp family, it was just one stop on the bumpy road to navigating the mental health system. The Lipps are not alone: Nearly one in five Americans experiences a mental illness in any given year, but fewer than half of them receive treatment.


Early signs


Amanda first started acting out when she was in middle school in Fair Oaks, California. She had extreme mood swings and explosive arguments with her parents. Pam and Doug, who run a small business together, hoped it was typical adolescent signs that would soon fade.


Fighting for care


Amanda's bipolar diagnosis was a turning point — it meant that she could begin to receive the treatment she desperately needed. But it wasn't easy to find at first.


The crisis center would only hold her for a maximum of 72 hours, and Amanda needed much more treatment than that. When Pam asked where her daughter would be sent next, the doctor told her Amanda would be discharged and likely end up back in the center.


Figuring out finances


While Amanda was in the hospital, Pam was gripped with fear over the treatment. "I was terrified that insurance would run out and we'd lose our savings and everything we'd worked for."


Live strong


Many families end up running into similar obstacles — they don't know where to go for proper care or they're worried about the cost. But there's also the stigma of mental illness that prevents people from reaching out because they fear that it might affect their jobs.



Finding hope


Hard-won strides in the area of mental illness helped Pam and her family get through the crisis intact, but it was a difficult road.


"We're so proud of Amanda and everything she's overcome," says Pam. That doesn't mean she's stopped worrying. "We experienced a mental health emergency, an illness and a recovery, and now we're stable. But every day I wake up and worry, could she relapse?" For anyone with a history of psychosis, another breakdown is always a possibility.
