英语听力汇总   |   美国城市每年正在失去3600万棵树。你可以这样阻止它





US cities are losing 36 million trees a year. Here's how you can stop it


If you're looking for a reason to care about tree loss, this summer's record-breaking heat waves might be it. Trees can lower summer daytime temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit, according to a recent study.


But tree cover in US cities is shrinking. A study published last year by the US Forest Service found that we lost 36 million trees annually from urban and rural communities over a five-year period. That's a 1% drop from 2009 to 2014.



If we continue on this path, "cities will become warmer, more polluted and generally more unhealthy for inhabitants," said David Nowak, a senior US Forest Service scientist and co-author of the study.


Nowak says there are many reasons our tree cover is declining, including hurricanes, tornadoes, fires, insects and disease. But the one reason for tree loss that humans can control is sensible development.


More than 80% of the US population lives in urban areas, and most Americans live in forested regions along the East and West coasts, Nowak says.


"Every time we put a road down, we put a building and we cut a tree or add a tree, it not only affects that site, it affects the region."


The study placed a value on tree loss based on trees' role in air pollution removal and energy conservation.


The lost value amounted to $96 million a year.



Nowak lists 7 benefits trees provide to society:


Heat reduction


Air pollution reduction


Water quality improvement


Noise reduction


Protection from UV radiation


Improved human health


Wildlife habitat


How you can help stop tree loss:


Protect what you have: Nowak says the first step is caring for the trees on your own property. "We think we pay for our house, and so we must maintain it. But because we don't pay for nature, we don't need to. And that's not necessarily true."


Prune the dead limbs out of your trees: If they're small enough, do it yourself or hire a company. The risk of limbs damaging your house is significantly lowered when there's tree upkeep, Nowak said.


Notice where your trees may be in trouble: Such as when branches are losing leaves and breaking or when mushrooms are growing at the base or on the trees. You can also hire an arborist or tree canopy expert to assess the health of your trees on an annual basis.

注意你的树可能在什么地方出了问题: 比如树枝什么时候落叶、折断,或者什么时候树的底部或树上会长蘑菇。你也可以聘请一位树艺家或树冠专家,每年评估你的树木的健康状况。


Don't remove old trees if it's not necessary: Instead, try taking smaller actions like removing branches. "It takes a long time for these big trees to get big: 50 to 100 years. And once they're established, they can live a long time. But taking a big tree out and saying 'we'll replant,' there's no guarantee small trees will make it, and it will take a very long time to grow."


Educate yourself about trees and get involved: Many cities have tree ordinances that seek to protect very old, significant trees. You can get involved by attending city meetings. You can also help your city plant trees by joining local nonprofit groups.
