The family that plays video games together stays together. When parents become digital mentors, children can learn empathy and resilience and prepare for careers. From NPR's Life Kit, Here are four ways to make media work for your children.
1. Whenever possible, share screens with your kids.
With the littlest kids, treat screens like a picture book. As they get older, bond over movie nights and video game time, and talk with them about what they're playing and watching solo. Prompt them to reflect on the positive lessons and the negative messages they're getting — a process called "active mediation," which helps you connect with your kids and helps them become more media savvy.
2. Balancing screen use is about much more than time.、
Rather than focusing on controlling the amount of time a child is clocking on screens each day, look at the overall balance of the child's day. Is your child getting enough sleep? Are you managing screen-free family meals? Are there any behavior problems? And make sure media time is balanced among consumption, creation and connection — such as video chatting with the grandparents.
3. Check the content presented on the screen
Most popular children's apps are bogged down with ads. Autoplay can lead to some inappropriate content. Be the guardian when they're younger, and keep the conversation going to lay the foundation for kids to make wise media choices as they get older.
4. Look for what's positive about kids' screen time so you can help those positive things grow.
We don't get far as parents if we always condemn our kids' interests. Help them find safe, positive outlets.
Consider that video games might help your child engage with reading — and that reading fiction about a pop band might be a way to connect with others.