The term 'brain food' takes on a whole new meaning when you take your nervous system into account. (Photo: TijanaM/Shutterstock)
Vitamin deficiencies — particularly of the B vitamins, which are important for cellular reactions — can damage essential nerve cells. A well-rounded diet, full of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, is just as essential for your nervous system as it is for your heart health and BMI. Below are five ways your diet affects your brain, spine and your entire central nervous system.
1. Brain food
Sardines are a terrific source for omega-3s and vitamin B-12. (Photo: Dani Vincek/Shutterstock)
Your brain is the control center of the nervous system, which means it needs lots of omega-3 fatty acids to keep it healthy. You can find these fats in foods like cold-water oily fish, walnuts, broccoli, flaxseed and beans. These essential fatty acids are also thought to help reduce inflammation throughout the body.
2. Know your Bs
Thiamine, one of the B vitamins, is also important for nerve health. It's usually in enriched products like cereal and pasta, and definitely found in any B-complex vitamins. Speaking of Bs, B12 maintains your myelin sheath, which is what surrounds and protects your nerves. If the sheath is damaged, your nerves can lose function. For those who aren't able to absorb these crucial vitamins through food (sometimes a problem for vegans), a B-complex supplement is highly recommended.
3. Go green
Seaweed makes a tangy, nutritious, delicious salad. (Photo: Foodio/Shutterstock)
Green leafy vegetables, and not just those found on terra firma, can help heal your nervous system. They're high in B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and magnesium, all of which keep your neurotransmitters synthesized and circulating along nicely. Sea vegetables (you guessed it: seaweed) can also assist in proper nervous system functioning.
4. Embrace complex carbs
Your body and brain need energy, which they get from glucose, which is found largely in carbohydrates. Not all carbs are created equal, however. White bread and potato chips will make your body "crash" after the initial sugar spike; instead, aim for whole grain pastas and rice. They release energy slowly, letting your brain function in a stable fashion.
5. Break up with sugar
Sugar — it's in everything. (Photo: Africa Studio/Shutterstock)
Alcohol, packaged foods, sugary sodas, microwave meals ... excess sugar is an additive in just about everything we eat. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to cut back when possible. Too much sugar can impair cognitive skills because it releases that feel-good chemical dopamine, a key ingredient in our brain's reward system. We also now know that sugar is addictive, so practicing moderation is crucial, particularly if you're prone to a sweet tooth.