How to save big on your grocery bill?
Food purchases can take a huge bite out of your weekly budget. But don't despair: Savvy shoppers can implement simple tweaks and tricks to reduce spending at the grocery store. Read on for a look at key strategies to trim your grocery bill.
Store reduced food
Many food items go on sale at regular intervals. Stock up when your favorite products are discounted to tide you over until the next sales bonanza.
Shop in season.
You'll tend to find that your favorite foods are more affordable – and taste better – when they're in season.
Stock up on cheap and filling staples.
Inexpensive ingredients such as beans, oats, frozen vegetables, bananas and brown rice can be some of the best foods to buy when you're broke, writes U.S. News contributor Geoff Williams.
Use loyalty cards
Many grocery stores offer loyalty cards that earn you deals on in-store items. Some grocery store credit cards may give you discounts on gas or allow you to save digital coupons .
Visit the discount store.
Expand your shopping trip rotation to include discount stores, such as Aldi and Save-A-Lot. Don't forget that warehouse clubs such as Sam's Club and Costco can also provide cheap grocery items in bulk. But make sure that you avoid buying perishable food products that will spoil before you can use them.
扩大你的购物行程,包括折扣商店,如Aldi和Save-A-Lot。别忘了,山姆会员店(Sam's Club)和好市多(Costco)等仓储式商店也可以批量提供廉价的杂货。但是一定要避免购买使用前就会变质的易腐烂的食品。
Be wary of grocery store traps.
Your local grocery store may use clever traps to encourage you to spend more. Be cautious of fancy food displays , which are shelves promoting products at the aisle's end, enticing you to spend impulsively. And think carefully about "buy one, get one" promotions, which may simply be 50 percent off deals advertised in a way to make you buy double.