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Tips for Exercising With Knee Pain


At a most basic level ,pain can act as a signal – telling us that something is wrong. For example, it’s hard to miss the “popping” sensation that typically accompanies tearing an ACL, one of the key ligaments that stabilize the knee. Sharp pain is a clear indicator that you should stop what you’re doing, experts say.



However, beyond such so-called acute injuries, knee pain can frequently last not only days and weeks but also months and years. That kind of chronic knee pain can result when an injury doesn’t heal properly. It's also very common when cartilage in the joint wears away, or with osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. While one’s level of pain can still serve as a helpful guide for what type or amount of exercise is appropriate, discomfort can also scare people away from activity altogether. That's problematic because a complete lack of activity or movement can be bad for the joint – undermining mobility and, in the long run, even compromising a person’s overall physical and mental health.


Here are ways to stay active if you have knee pain:


· First, talk with your doctor about what’s appropriate.


· Try a range of low-knee-impact exercises like walking, swimming, cycling.


· Incorporate activities that improve your flexibility and balance like yoga and tai chi.


· Do cardio and strength training.


· Avoid yo-yo exercising: Find your happy medium between inactivity and overdoing it.


· Back off if you have swelling or pain that’s sharp, worsens or lasts longer after exercise.


· See your doctor about any new knee injury concerns.


· Get guidance from a professional, like a physical therapist or trainer, to fine-tune your regimen.

· 从专业人士那里获得指导,比如物理治疗师或培训师,来调整你的治疗方案。


While some initial rest or immobilization of the joint – with a brace, for example – may be recommended after an injury or surgery to repair the knee, generally the focus even in those circumstances is on what’s called active recovery. That may mean minimizing the weight being put on the joint – for instance, doing squats without any weight (beyond your own body weight).


Have a plan for managing pain or discomfort after a workout. That includes stretching before and after exercising – and not staying too stationary so as to tempt stiffness in the joint.
