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Is Your Pet Imperiling Your Health?


All pets aren't the same, and neither are the health hazards they might present to human owners. Snakes pose different risks than dogs, and even among canines, adult dogs pose different risks than puppies, points out Scott Weese, a professor and chief of infection control at the Ontario Veterinary College at the University of Guelph in Canada. Of course, pets also offer a slew of physical and mental-health benefits(and loyalty, love and happiness) to their owners. To keep you and your pets as healthy as possible, here are animal hazards to watch for and practical ways to prevent them.



Hand-to-mouth kids


All pet owners aren't the same, either, especially kids. "Dogs and cats are great pets for almost any age, if they're appropriately trained, well-groomed and the child is taught respect," says Dr. Larry Pickering, an adjunct professor of pediatrics at Emory University School of Medicine. Other pets are more age-appropriate for older kids, he says, including amphibians like frogs, or reptiles such as turtles or snakes. "Of course, young children like to handle and touch everything, and put their hands in their mouths," he says. Unfortunately, that can expose kids to salmonella or other organisms that pets carry.


Biting back



Small kids teasing big dogs, or even puppies or kittens, can result in animal bites. "Children oftentimes, particularly young children, are fairly rough, without intentionally meaning to hurt a dog or cat," Pickering says. In return, the animal might bite the child's hand or other parts of the body. It's wise to talk to both child- and animal-health experts before choosing a household pet, he emphasizes. "Pediatricians and veterinarians work together to advise parents about pets," he says. Parents can ask about age-related pets, potential dangers and appropriate training and handling.


Pets underfoot


Pets love to follow wherever owners go, but that's not always a good thing. Older adults who struggle with balance could potentially trip and fall when pets (or their toys) get in their way. In addition, strong German shepherds or large Labrador retrievers can make walking too precarious for people with fragile bones. It's important to think about matching pets and older owners to keep everyone safe and healthy.
